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  • Launch More Planes

    03. 22. 2011 23:34


First: NF would need to improve the servers... (yeah right)

Give CV's the ability to launch 2 or 3 times as many planes as they currently can.

Why are bb's and other ships given true life abilities or in some cases, unrealistically
incredible abilities and yet cv's are nothing if not limited?!

CV's are given backseat roles in what could otherwise be a very fun game for them.
When I'm driving my cv, I see a lot of sitting targets down there but I am held back
by the small number of planes that I can put in the air. At best, we can launch a
dozen or so planes at any given time. In WWII, cv's could put as 50 or more planes
up at once, if not many more!

It's simple, once NF decides to decrease the lag somehow, allow cv's to launch twice
as many planes. BB drivers get to throw massive amounts of lead across the map.
CA drivers get to dominate the middle lines with superior speed and big guns. CL's
throw up sheets of AA flak or lay down walls of torpedoes. DD's speed around
depth charging subs, throwing out small walls of torps, or even getting into
slugfests with CL's and other DD's. Frigates ffffictory their way to xp. Subs sneak
around messing up everyone's game. CV's... Well, CV's scout or send up 3 or 4
bombers with the hope of finding some hapless target somewhere that the bb's
haven't already gotten to. CV's beg for table scraps in their own home. CV's don't
dominate anything and they should!

The answer is simple. Give CV's a way to be more effective. Give them something
they can work with. They are Aircraft Carriers! Let them carry planes! More
importantly, let them launch more planes!

[> Flame Shield <]

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 24. 2011 07:06

hey guys dont fall into this loosers fail attempt at being a douch he truley does it
well you should of seen his druck dance or was he faking that as well. to all guys
just stay on topic and let him be him

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 24. 2011 06:41

Cv 1,2,ans 3's are supposed to be crappy, there fine the way they are.

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 24. 2011 06:27

I agree CVs have a backseat role (for the most part), but I would disagree with
more planes launched. More planes would take too long to launch (as was stated),
would cause lag (unless, as you stated, they fixed servers - and we ALL know that
will NEVER happen), and in general, would turn CVs into the ultimate weapon and
then we would have problems waiting in rooms for BBs. Would be agood idea if
battles were biggger/longer, maps were bigger, and planes had more fuel to stay in
the sky long enough before they had to land... while they are landing you would still
be fueling another wave and have no planes in the sky.

Nice though though, but currently, I can not recc this.

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 24. 2011 05:34

Why doesn't he just stick to raiding the bottom shelf of the fridge in his moms basement
instead of flaming guys O.o

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 23. 2011 20:35

i admire your idealism. but after searching the ends of the world for a pie in the sky,
there is none i'm afraid... (on the CA's and belows job description)

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 23. 2011 20:13

yet another useless arrogant reply from elliot2lazy,

why don't you (for a change) tell us why you think it's a retarded idea. Oh, I know
that NF is not RL. We all know that. I'm not asking for the ability to launch 50+
planes. I'm asking to launch enough to make a difference.

When you (or your alter ego) decide to reply to someone's post, please get over
your high school prima dona ego trip long enough to make a usefull comment. If you
can't do that, than at least stop using your pointless backstabs as a cheap method
of trolling.

I don't go harassing you for no reason, yet you insist on harassing everyone around
you as though your unexplained and biased opinions need no introduction.

If you reply to this post with yet another ego trip, we will all know just what kind of
person you are. If you can get over yourself long enough to provide a respectable
rebuttal backed by an unbiased hypothesis, you might just surprise someone.

Go ahead and reply, let's see if you are a boy or a man. Prove me wrong about you.

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 23. 2011 19:53

Yet another really retarded thread suggestion from Picwarrior1.

NF=/= RL

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 23. 2011 18:36


as the beginning of the suggestion implies, this suggestion assumes that NF would
update the servers to prevent that lag from occurring.

try to keep up.

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 23. 2011 15:43

one word....LAG

no rec

  • Re : Launch More Planes

    03. 23. 2011 12:07

and i do commit rape in my bearn bw lol 100k-150k average my best is about 275k
and i launch waves of 21 bombers(ONLY BECAUSE OF MN SUPER FUEL AMOUNTS)
not because its that good

(i 1 shotted a QV with my bw yesterday 1 single set and killed it frm full health)
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