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  • German ss4 choice

    03. 23. 2011 10:03

Hi i was wondering why the German ss4 was the u flak that sub was terrible why didnt NF
choose the German elektoboot a much better sub . The u flak only had four moddeled on it
because it was bad desighn based only for aircraft traps, were as the elektoboot was so
good the first us nuculear sub was based on a modified elektroboot hull and it could also
outrun most ASW ships. there fore why didnt NF use that?


  • Re : German ss4

    03. 23. 2011 13:11

Because if what I'm guessing is true their gonna be pumping out SS5's and 6's
somewhere down the road and if they use the best the germans had as a ss4 they
would have nowhere to improve upon. That's just my guess.

  • Re : German ss4

    03. 23. 2011 11:39

The U-Flak was most likely chosen because SDE could literally take the VII C sprite, copy
it, and make a few minor adjustments. Basically, laziness.

  • Re : German ss4

    03. 23. 2011 10:48

I think its because the good german subs were superior to most others during WW2 so
they have made these choices for balance reasons, though some may disagree im just
guessing thats why

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