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  • AA Angle indicator improvement

    03. 25. 2011 20:41

The USN AA indicator is very obtrusive and clutters the screen.

How about something like this?

(Image doesn't show, why?)

Having it available for all nation AA would be nice, though, but that's not what this is
entirely about

Any CV that complain about their planes getting shot down too easily are probably
flying them in a straight line at default height.

Try hitting planes swirling above you, there's not enough time to look back and forth
between the angle indicator down below and the rapidly changing angles that are
needed to fire on planes above you.

Learn your angles all you want, half the trouble in these situations is even knowing
what angle you're at and finding the planes are somewhere else after you blink.

  • Re : AA Angle indicator improvement

    03. 25. 2011 21:38

How do I make images appear then?

I don't see the harm that would be done in having this improvement, just less eye-

I end up Xing and going off in a random direction because I have to keep looking all
over the screen.
Maybe I should just modify the HUD to put the angles right near the center ._.

  • Re : AA Angle indicator improvement

    03. 25. 2011 21:32

I manage just fine in my Moltke. No improvement needed. BTW this site doesn't use
the [IMG] [/IMG] code.

  • Re : AA Angle indicator improvement

    03. 25. 2011 20:57

I made it to nebraska with them on full time. They helped a bit but still they could be
improved. Now I'm playing IJN and I feel kinda lost so I do feel they were a great help.
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