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  • Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 04:50

I have a seydith cv with 5 pilots lv45-50 with 4 base 11 ftrs and 1 base 12.SHould i use
locals or t1s?Locals can get me up to 9k airkills in a game while i only average less than
1k airkills with t1s per game.German locals arent that great, t1s are quite good and
give fc but fetch only 10-20k credits per game.

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 10:39

The problem is locals are inefficient. IIRC they take up the same amount of space as T4s
so you cant carry many. They have such short range that to provide FC for your BBs must
stay very close or you will lose the planes and quickly run out. In reality they are only
good for killing bombers anyway because a good player with even T2 will kill them.

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 10:30

And yet, locals were INTENDED to let CV1 and 2s have a chance to provide close fighter cover against higher level

I don't play CV, so take this with a grain of salt, but what I'd do in your shoes is stock locals for close defense, and a
tone of scouts with mines if you have 'em. That let's you help out with vision, and keep your locals to deal with
bombers and higher level fps.

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 10:29

It beats losing your limited supply of low level TB or DB trying to kill something only to
have them all shot down by AAW as they get close. Mines are pretty good at hitting in
clusters when you drop them in the path of the North/South battleship lines. It's hitting
single targets with them that is almost a waste of ammo.

Early on, a scout CV1 drops mines in the way of clusters of ships. Later, when there are
no clusters of ships, you're mostly providing sight when your team is having trouble
seeing things.

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 10:26

drag your T1s!!! you may not kill anything , but they are surprisingly tough when dragged hardcore

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 10:23

Have you ever done this storm? Its not as effective as it would seem.

I found the seyd's high point to be its AA. Use your T1 fighters to help scout with small
groups and hang back abit and help with your AA. You get more exp when you use AA anyway.
You can do this with GZ1 too. Once you hit cv4 you lose the ability to carry AA for abit
but by then you should be more effective with your fighters.

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 09:57

T1's. They have range.

But a CV1 is actually best off using scouts and scout dropped mines. The planes don't
suicide trying to deliver their payload, and you can carry a lot more of them.

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 08:46

T1 + some attack. Focus on scouts and getting the AA ships. You're a support CV by

  • Re : Locals or t1s

    04. 08. 2011 05:12

I personally wouldn't bother playing a CV1-2 in a GB and trying to give fighter cover.
You'd be better off leveling to at least T2 level before using fighters or else BW'ing till
CV3 level.
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