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  • UK 5.25"/50 RP 10 Mark I Gun Sprite

    04. 11. 2011 14:16

Doesn't anybody find this guns sprite to big to be true too ?

This sprite is very annoying and when these guns used, they kill all the beauty of RN

And the worst thing is, it is the best choice of AA gun for xping, training and other

No other gun looks so disturbing in game graphically more than this, they are too big
according to reality and according to game aesthetic.

Could not this gun look more smaller using the same/similar sprite ?

Please support and save the beauty of RN ships

  • Re : UK 5.25

    04. 12. 2011 22:30

I do believe there was a corrected 5.25 gun sprite from TBNF, but sadly they are no
more. Perhaps you could ask an former member like JPhoenix or someone.

Otherwise, yes, many guns are oversized and are in need of fixing. The KM Kusts are
another such example.

  • Re : UK 5.25

    04. 11. 2011 14:34

so true plz fix some one plz do it

its way to big it can be compared or even match the 16inche trips or 18 inche thare
very good guns i love em for AA and when pesky CLs get close to use some HHE on
em with a decent reload but this should be fixed D:<
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