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  • Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 12. 2011 19:46

Some say 45' is the best angle for a far flying shot, and this isn't the case in NF.

But is 45' REALLY the furthest angle IRL, or does mass/friction ratio and muzzle
velocity make this not so?

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 13. 2011 18:31

Didnt the soviets also have a 90 degree max angle cruiser? :P

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 13. 2011 18:14


50 degree max angle.

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 13. 2011 15:32

Real Life =/= NF

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 13. 2011 14:59

@Storm: Hm, all sources I've read indicate the Iowa 16"/50 had max angle of 45.
(Scroll down to mount/turret data)

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 12. 2011 21:30

Apparently angle for max range shifts from gun to gun. On the ones you are thinking about
van (USN 5''/54?) 55 degrees is both the max range AND the start of HA. HA is pretty much
defined as using the higher angle of a pair that gives you the same range, and as range
goes back at angles higher than the max range, that one marks the start of HA.

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 12. 2011 21:30

Kind of. It totally depends on the gun.

In real life, wind resistance in a humidity saturated environment does make some
angles other than 45 degrees more optimal for some guns, as previously stated.
But NF isn't real life.

Also in real life, the Iowas guns were built with a max angle of 40 degrees. I think i
read once that 43 degrees was their maximal firing range, but that the designers
weren't too concerned with it since that would be firing over the horizon and
accuracy could not be attained anyway with 1940's technology. They could have
retrofitted them later for a few degrees more, but the expense wouldn't have been
warranted for an extra few hundred yards, not when missiles were the law of the

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 12. 2011 21:25

In game I think the max angle is approximately 55 degrees... or am I getting that
confused with that being the start to HA?

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 12. 2011 20:18

The optimal angle for max range in an enviroment with a real damp coefficient (air
resistance) is less than 45 degrees. Intuitively the longer the proyectiles is in air, the
more slowness it gets, so you want it to take the slowest time to get into target (ie:
angle less than 45).

It doesn't hold in game because of korean physics.

  • Re : Why isn't 45' the furthest angle?

    04. 12. 2011 19:51

In a frictionless environment, 45 would be, but because of air resistance, shells end up
slowing down, thus making higher than 45 more optimal for range
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