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  • New Submarine Feature

    04. 17. 2011 16:16

It seems like everyone that has an ss whines about it. This is for good cause, because in
an ss you can either do a lot of attack then die, or you can hold back and not do much
attack and don't die. The reason for this is because the "air supply" feature that NF has
put in. I understand that if subs did not have a limited amount of dive time, then they
would be uber and ruin the game. But it's still frustrating to go 22kts barely catching
anything, and as soon as you get in a good position, you run out of air. I have a request
on how to even it up a little.

Add a new feature. Submarines can semi-surface to collect air, but they cannot move. While
semi-surfaced, their dot does not appear on radar, but are visible, kinda like how
friendly mines appear. While they are semi-surfaced, you can see the very top of the ss,
and they are vulnerable to shells AND hhs/dcs.

I think if NF added this feature, there wouldn't be so many ss whines, and it really
wouldn't affect game play much, because a trained eye can detect the ss and take him out.
What do you guys think?

  • Re : New Submarine Feature

    04. 18. 2011 08:27

1 sub goes into First tile.
Spends 2 hours sailing round/
HA ends.

  • Re : New Submarine Feature

    04. 18. 2011 06:57

Imagine what would happen to Harbour Assault if this was introduced...


  • Re : New Submarine Feature

    04. 18. 2011 04:08

Love the snorkel idea :)

  • Re : New Submarine Feature

    04. 17. 2011 21:53

I like it!

Would the snorkel be used to sit stationary without using air, or would it refill air

  • Re : New Submarine Feature

    04. 17. 2011 21:24

how about if they can use a snorkel but their speed is limited to.. say 3 knots?


They used snorkels.

Snorkels would break if they went too fast.


use snorkels at max of 3 knots. and, be semi visible like mines. ^^

  • Re : New Submarine Feature

    04. 17. 2011 16:35

Sure. It seems like a good idea to me. Subs can refill air and are half invisible. I think
that hiding under clouds would be abused, but still worth it.
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