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  • CV grind questions

    04. 19. 2011 11:21

I've been looking around for a couple of days now.

Not entirely sure this is the right place for this, but since my CV crew is IJN, figure
its a good starting point.

I just recently started a new CV crew, picked up 6 elite fighters and now have some lvl 96
DB's. 4 of my fighters are level 46, the other two are level 70.

I've been using the Mogami CV to patrol right behind the BB line and launch waves of
interceptors to combat incoming fighters and db/tb waves. Only problem is that I'm finding
that the interceptors really don't have the flight time to really make much of a
difference. Also finding that my level 46 elite FP's in tier 1 fighters get mauled by
pretty much anything.

Am I stuck, or am I just doing it wrong?

  • Re : CV grind questions

    04. 19. 2011 22:39

I have a level 96 DB on the ship, so my level (49 now) pilots can fly the interceptors.

I've had some really good games so far, in 1 level I can use them on the Junyo. Though
I've mostly been playing in my Asama today because I do pretty well in it and "good" games
can net me 25k xp.

  • Re : CV grind questions

    04. 19. 2011 20:54

While you don't get many planes on a Mog, it's not a bad idea to use it so you
don't get that attention a cv would get especially in GB2. You're not targeted,
you're not flag, and nobody yells noob at you constantly so it might be a good
way to get used to playing cv (and leveling those fighters).

  • Re : CV grind questions

    04. 19. 2011 17:09

Until 70lvl stay with interseptors and lern to micro them, so you have atleas 1 squad at
air and at the same time to not lose any planes from lack of fuel.
I know it sound stupid but t1 and t2 fighters will be nothing but free credits for enemy.
At 70 swich to t3 that have the power to battle interseptors and huge air time compared to
them.Real fun start at +100 when t4 is avaiable.(dont forget you need atleast 100 vets or
your planes will still lose alot.)
So yea real play for CV start at 70lvl.Until then think about yourself as CL in BB room :)

Oh and can you tell me? If you equip only 70lvl fighters and buy t3 for them, what will
happen if you put the 40lvl crews on the CV? Will you be able to use only 2 pilots or all
of them will be able to use the t3?

  • Re : CV grind questions

    04. 19. 2011 14:41

I found some of the guides in the tips & tactics section pretty much verify what I've been
doing. I just need to practice timing and proper use of my DB's.

The main issue I'm having is my BO is 71, almost 72 now and my FP's are pretty far behind.
Been trying to use the Mog CV to catch the FP's up.

Its slow, but seems to be working.

  • Re : CV grind questions

    04. 19. 2011 14:04

I have an Attacker (UK CV1) and use locals on it along with TBs. I find this works
fairly well, as the UK level one fighters are no good for anything. The tradeoff is a
short flight time of the locals, but I find it is worth it.

Note that I am mostly playing in blitz still, not GB. The locals are enough to usually
keep planes away from my team, though there is limited coverage due to their small
Not sure if this helps, but maybe try locals to see how you go?

  • Re : CV grind questions

    04. 19. 2011 13:42

Get a "flat deck" CV; a mogami/ise/oyodo just doesn't have enough plane and crew space.

Also, try not using intercepters, unless you have to, they're usually pretty useless.
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