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  • AFK host could it work?

    04. 28. 2011 15:03

This looks like a possible fix to afk host.

NF already kicks players who are AFK in battle why not the same for "Hosts"?

You move "Hosting" power to the next person in the room when the original host dose not
"type" or move there ship around after 1 or 2 min. After 2 min the "hosting" power moves
to the next in line.

Host really should be made to "prove" his not afk. You have a room of 40 online players
and to just go afk (for what ever reason) is not cool. There are so many afk host now and
for "BB" players more than any other, half an hour or more trying to get just 1 game in.

Anyways hope this idea can go somewhere and become a reality real so. This shouldn't be a
hard fix.


  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 28. 2011 16:28

actually yea i agree on this and with BBs yea man its really hard when you cant play
cause of long CV waits and now AFK host?

got meh recc

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 28. 2011 15:35

Some are AFK. Think maybe some are crashing???? This problem runs a lot deeper then some
people busy watching a movie or in a chat room while waiting.

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 28. 2011 15:33

Or we could just have a lobby
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