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  • sooooo why?

    04. 28. 2011 22:35

why haven't we gotten our perpetual game mode yet?

i think it was a harbor assault type mode that we were promised some time back right?

expanding on a game type like that would probably revive this game a lil' right?

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 16:40

So you guys flame the OP cause you don't like him. I don't think that's fair at all. SDE
stated they were working on something, he asked after a full year, where is this at? Seems
to me that if you don't stay on SDE for something, you won't get it.

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 16:29

Hummm......i dont know.

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 13:23

*Exit Rehor stage left*


so predictable

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 11:09

This thread and Elite Stars.


  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 07:40


*Enter Rehor stage right*

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 06:40

What do you intend to acheive by asking this question?

You KNOW why we don't have it yet you still ask the question. All that happens by you
posting this is that people become less and less interested because of yet another topic
by some random complaining...

Too many people in this game complain every second of the day which detracts from those of
us who actually get stuff done when we complain through intelligent threads and tact.

SDE doesn't care. Theres the answer, you already knew it, you have know it for ages.
Congratulations for a pointless thread.

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 06:36

Great subject ... content ignored.

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 05:30

vdub1, I think your question is relevant and timely after a year, do not think your
current level in the game does not deserve the consideration of an honest answer,
or the attempt at a coherent answer, it would be a big huge idiocy coming from my
part if I leave it to affect me. good luck.

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 05:08

Never saw that post, but that's pretty awesome

  • Re : sooooo why?

    04. 29. 2011 05:00

3. Upcoming Updates
I have been told that the new nation (Russia) will be finished soon. We have also
talked about Harbor Assault Game mode and we will most likely begin working on it
very soon. I am also greatly expecting this mode.


date 5/5/2010


I am sure that this information is that he is referring.
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