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  • General SS and ASW suggestions.

    04. 29. 2011 12:01

First of we have many players whinning about SS being overpowered or SS whinning
about ASW beign overpowered. I think that it's just not possible to balance things
correctly based on how things are right now.

That's why I think SDE should introduce new features.

Untill now, no nation has a difference in damage for HH, Depth charge or speed on
SS. SS are inmune against AP shells and have way too high submergence values.
Instead Shells inflict some sort of multiplied damage compared to the damage they
should really inflict.

If am not mistaken it's 400% bonus damage for 6" guns or smaller.
300% bonus damage for 7" guns to 9" guns and 200% for 10" guns or higher.

The reason behind this I think is to make it so smaller ships can also harm SS. So to
further make SS more fragile.

- Increase current bonus or multiplier damage for 6" guns or lower from

- Increase current bonus or multiplier damage for 7" to 9" guns from 300%-->400%.

- Increase current bonus or multiplier damage for 10" or higher from 200%-->300%.

- Introduce Periscope Mode for SS1, SS2, SS3 and SS4.
- Surfaced Sight range.
- SS will not apear on mini-map.
- Sonarman is enabled.

- Dive Mode speed.
- No direct dive from surface mode to dive mode.
- SS can be detected without sonar.
- SS receives 20%-25% shell damage + 200% splash damage(only for shells).
- Planesman will be dissabled(same as dive mode).

- Introduce SS5. SS5 beign around level 95 ± 5.
The new SS5 should have the same capabilities as what SS3(same air, torp damage,
more DP) are today. Same amount of Air but with a Snorkel capability. You should
also receive some sort of splash damage by shells or maybe a 15% damage from
shells while in Snorkel Mode.

- Intoduce SS6. SS6 beign level 120. Same capabilities as SS4(same air, torp
damage, more DP) but with a snorkel capability.

- Introduce Snorkel Mode for SS5 and SS6.
While in Snorkel Mode:
- Air will not be consumed.
- Surfaced Sight range.
- SS will not apear on mini-map.
- Sonarman is enabled.

- Dive Mode speed.
- No overheat speed.
- No direct dive from surface mode to dive mode.
- SS can be detected without sonar.
- SS receives 20%-25% shell damage + 200% splash damage(only for shells).
- Planesman will be dissabled(same as dive mode).

Rebalance SS3 and SS4. They need to be slighly nerfed to make space for SS5 and
SS6. things that come to mind:

- Decrease Torp damage of SS3 to that of a SS1/SS2.

- Change KM Flak guns to AA only guns.

- Introduce different speed caps for each national SS. Needs to be look into better
before SS5 and SS6 are introduced.
For example, the SS4's(between 40 and 35knots seems like a good compromise):
US--> cap 40 knots.
SN--> cap 39 knots.
KM--> cap 39 knots.
UK--> cap 38 knots.
MN--> cap 37 knots.
IJN--> cap 35 knots.

SS6 capabilities:
- Aircraft space for SS6's for scouts. TB space for IJN with 1 bomber run of 6 T2 IJN
bombers or 2 bomber run of 3 T2 IJN bombers.

I believe we need to have the best Anti-SS nation and the worse Anti-SS nation. For
this I suggest we change the damage for certain HH and DC and reload and maybe
range aswell. But first I want to suggest general changes for all nations.

- Introduce T1, T2(Current HH), T3, T4 and PHH(already introduced) make it the T5.

Keep the same damage values for current HH:
For T1, it should be a quaddruple(4) barrel gun with HH. level 12.(use on DD1+)
For T2, it should be a pentuple(5) barrel gun with HH. level 25 ± 5.(use on DD3+)
For T3, it should be a hextuple(6) barrel gun with HH. level 40 ± 5.(use on CL3+)
For T4, it should be a pentuple(7) barrel gun with HH. level 65 ± 5.(use on CV3)
For T5 or PHH, it should be a pentuple(7) barrel gun with HH. level 85 ± 5.(use on

For People who are starting a new line can obviously use all types on DD1+.

Range changes
From best, to lowest range:

- Introduce new reload times for HH.

T1--> 20 seconds
T2--> 30 seconds(change fom 60 seconds--> 30 seconds)
T3--> 45 seconds
T4--> 60 seconds
T5/PHH value change from 30 seconds-->60 seconds

Introduce New "specialized" ASW DD's (EDD's):
- Faster then DD3's.
- High max. displacement.
- Same support slot as ECL's.(People will have to choose between AA or ASW)
- T-slots in the back.(better for Depth Charges)

- DD1 R-slot space.

Final words
This post is not intended to generate war against SS and BB players. Simply ideas I
have in mind that might improve this game we all like to play. If you have any
suggestion you wanna add, just post it here. If you don't like some of the things I
suggested, please don't hessitate to mention it in your post and eleborate on your

Most importantly, don't forget to recc ^^


  • Re : General SS and ASW suggestions.

    04. 29. 2011 14:01

Kudos for suggesting changes to sub and ASW gameplay instead of yelling "NERF
SUBS" and "Subs are OP" without offering a suggestion.

With SDE and NF's current state, I don't think there will be much more changes (if
any) to subs and ASW for a couple of undisclosed reasons.

If SDE does make a change, it will be if/when SS5 is released or shortly thereafter
and the change will be simple coding (is there such a thing for SDE?) instead of an

  • Re : General SS and ASW suggestions.

    04. 29. 2011 14:00

I think I get behind the new HH list, but I think the prem HH's need to have the current
RL time. I say this because people pay money money for them (unless they got a million of
them from an event) and if you pay money for something in a game it has to be better than
anything you can get for free or SDE will not sell any of them. Are you saying take prem
HH's out of the game altogether? I'm behind this, but SDE will never remove an item from
the store, because they are a company trying to make money.


  • Re : General SS and ASW suggestions.

    04. 29. 2011 13:47

The snorkel has the advantage for the SS beign able to reload it's air from a safe
distance. With an increase in submergance value will make it impossible for SS to just
rush in on the surface like most SS already do. Snorkel also has the weakness of not
being able to go in overheat and if a ASW ship comes by, the SS will die.

If a SS does snorkel from close range, it risks getting killed by splash damage aswell.
Snorkle mode will also slow down SS from getting from the surface to full dive. So
even after a SS sumberges, it will still get hit by a small splash damage that might
just be enough to bring it back to surface. Also in such mode, all ship can see you,
therefore dodge your attacks or use ASW to instantly kill you.

In such a mode(Snorkel and Periscope Mode)

It's more of an idea to make SS more "skill" based. SS players will need to find ways
to use it only at the right times. If SS runs out of air, it won't be able to come to
surface, get a couple of hits and resubmerge in 3 seconds without further receiving

The snorkel should only be available for SS5 and SS6 aswell. For SS1234 I suggested
a periscope mode.

  • Re : General SS and ASW suggestions.

    04. 29. 2011 13:17

The biggest problem I have with reccing this, is that the reason prem HH's were
introduced, were mainly for the reload time. ASW gives DD's something to do it GB2, and
prem HH's allow a lvl12 DD crew to fire more than 1 round of HH's before the SS sinks 3
BB's if the SS crit dives the salvo.

Secondly, I don't think the "snorkel" has any merit whatsoever. It just lets SS's get
closer and have full air when they get to the BB line and go into the current lvl of dive

I think SS's are currently balanced about as much as they can be. IMHO the SS players
that complain about asw are too slow on their crit dive, and the BB players that complain
about SS's aren't willing to make their BB vs BB matchup weaker by adding bulge and HH's.


  • Re : General SS and ASW suggestions.

    04. 29. 2011 12:02

More notes:

- Increase exp. rate for SS.

- Lower HH cost and increase ASW exp. rate.

This way people will have to choose between "great exp. rate" in ASW ship or
"expert gaining + good exp. rate" as AA ship.

Baker654 SS5/SS6 suggestions.

IJN: I-201
DP: 22800
Speed: 29.17 km/h surfaced, 35 km/h submerged
Armament: Note the Real life I-201 had only 4 forwar torpedo tubes but I think we
can increase it.
Special: The Sen Taka comes with a free snorkel which allows the submarine to
recharge while underwater, however when raised the snorkle reduces stealth
capability allowing the sub to be detected at a further distance.

IJN: I-400
DP: 23600
Speed: 35 km/h surfaced, 12 km/h submerged
Armament: 8 forward torpedo tubes, 1 5.51" gun
Airspace/(Flight Deck): 1250/ (3)
Note: The I-400 can only launch recons and torpedo bombers

US: Narwhal
DP: 21000
Armament: 4 Forward Torpedo tubes, 2 aft Torpedo Tubes, One 6" gun (Note the
Real Narwhal and her sister Nautilus had 2 6" guns).

UK: Triton Class
DP: 19600
Armament: 4 forward Torpedo Tubes (Note in Real Life the T class had 10 tubes that
8 faced forwards) 2 aft torpedo tubes, One 4"gun.

KM: Type IX C
DP: 20200
Armament: 4 forward torpedo tubes, 2 aft torpedo tubes, one 4.1" gun.

MN: L'Aurore
DP: 20400
Armament: 4 forward torpedo tube, 2 aft torpedo tubes, one 4" gun.

SN: Project 97 (improved S class)
DP: 20000
Armament: 4 forward torpedo tube, 2 aft torpedo tubes, one 4" gun.
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