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  • UK SS

    05. 02. 2011 12:24

since thares no guide on the UK forums can anyone tell me how SS1 and 2 worke
out and tactics to use for them and crew with stats to have

  • Re : UK SS

    05. 03. 2011 15:17

so instead of putting everything engies 10 i should have put like rep????

  • Re : UK SS

    05. 03. 2011 13:37

I would recommend the following:
BO - Ghost a random sailor (remove all sailors starting at level 1). BO ability doesn't
contribute much to SD/Repair so you're better off saving his weight for the other
sailors, especially when they get fat.

Torpers - IIRC, torp ability caps faster than gunners do, so +11 torp should be
sufficient. If you've read adalberts guide on ability and want to min/max your crew,
+12 or elites are ideal.

Planesman - Elite or 15/10/10 (pot/res/rep) or better would be my ideal planesman.
Class normally but also note that if you class to chief planesman, you start losing
repair and soft defense every time they level up. Take that into consideration when
you get there.

Sonarman - This is (imo) the most commonly misclassed sailor. You can be a
sonarman starting at level 12, but you can gain so much more repair and soft
defense by keeping him as a support sailor from 12 to whenever you start driving a
sub. If you class him to 2nd sonarman at 12, you gain only 1 sonar ability and lose 8
repair/restore per level up. IIRC, this is also true when you class to 1st sonarman
and chief sonarman. For that reason, I would recommend not classing beyond 2nd
sonarman. 14/10/12 pot/res/rep would be my ideal sonarman.

2 Engineers - Elites or 10/12 repair/engineer would be ideal given you will only have
2 on board. Also think about getting a 3rd if SDE releases SS5 and you get an extra
support slot for it.

For the gun slot I would recommend dropping a repairer in there. Gunner would be
helpful against a gunless CV, but having a repairer increases your survivability
against BB's which should be your primary target.

Lastly, I would recommend skipping SS1 and consider skipping SS2 for a couple of
reasons. SS1 is painful. SS2 is better but SS3 is where the fun begins. More
importantly, this allows you keep your sonarman a support sailor longer for extra
soft defense/repair and you can AA in emerald/sirius/tiger/furious on the way up for

Hope this helps!

  • Re : UK SS

    05. 02. 2011 22:25

Engine ability is irrelevant on any sailor other than an engineer.

  • Re : UK SS

    05. 02. 2011 12:39

k thanks but what about crew

i have BO 14 bot 10 engie
2 torps 11 and 10 engie
planes men 14 and 10 engie
sonar14 10engie
engie 11

EDIT:what are the normal or speed caps for a atlvl crew for all SS tier

  • Re : UK SS

    05. 02. 2011 12:34

Have a closer look, pretty sure there are some there.
Also, SS1 are similar tactics except maaaybe for the KM one. so read them all and
get a picture.
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