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  • anti tk and against tk with penalty

    05. 02. 2011 23:45

as we all know that many bb players had tk carelessly at the begin
it is necessary to do sth for alleviate
SO for my suggestion, how about change the fireline colour when we are crossing
e.g.for our ship, the fire line will be turn to green colour when T or R slot ran
if someone is crossing your ship that the fire line will change to red or yellow
(meaning danger)from green is a effective way to tell the player for holding on
fire without or before saying'' crossing or XXXXXX''
Also the penalty should be increased , not only decrease the exp tk player about kill the tk's sailors(officers skilled rookie)in random when they tk
others .....most of us are hate the tk player especially the noob dd ff

  • Re : anti tk and against tk with penalty

    05. 03. 2011 10:36

In full agreement with computergeek. I have said the same thing before. I'd imagine
it's also doable, seeing as there is a penalty system in place for TKing, that value in
the code ought to be able to be used to force team shell damage to 0. The only
downside is that it might encourage even more crossing and that's a bunch of
wasted shells and half salvos.

  • Re : anti tk and against tk with penalty

    05. 03. 2011 09:13

I just wish friendly fire would make 0 dmg. But I doubt that's going to happen :(

  • Re : anti tk and against tk with penalty

    05. 03. 2011 07:45

the crossing crap is getting on my nerves

I cant tell you how many times I have been in a BB and was engaging an enemy BB
while a friendly AA ship crosses right over me and BOOM I put a salvo into the AA
ship. There needs to be some sort of penalty for getting shot while crossing, not
just for the shooter. Most AA ships out there are like "your exp, not my problem"

  • Re : anti tk and against tk with penalty

    05. 03. 2011 01:36

lol, i agree with the player above, we all know that most of the bbs mark their range at
the beginning, but still many player probably new ones crosses and bam sunk and complain
tk, people should learn not to cross other ship if not necessary

  • Re : anti tk and against tk with penalty

    05. 03. 2011 00:40

so u punish the bb and not the crosser
i have seen more than my fill of games where some low lvl ship keeps crossing a bb
that bb warns time after time not to cross and then shoots and kills a ship
and u suggest that u give a even bigger penalty to the bb
what about the crosser how about a giving then the same penalty
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