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  • Fail national Media

    05. 03. 2011 22:46

I can't help but notice how it's been two days since the US navy seals killed the most
wanted man in the 21st Century and Lindsay Lohan is already back in the headlines for
not wearing a bra at a shelter... Retarded Western News Media FTW?

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 06:57

Also u don't see other people points of view to make a proper jugments you have to try
to understand why people feel like that or believe a certain way...

Your view point I dont care...
So... As Tom Cruise Says from Tropic Thunder.... Take a big step back and ____ your
____ _____

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 06:53

Lots of riots too

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 06:13

You do realise that most of the posters so far are NOT from America? >.<

"Well it was the way obama responded that made it way worst then it should have been
just like the bin laden... no photos and buried at sea within 48 hours...
so its saying hey i'm giving no proof of what i say and if you don't like it too bad... "

Obama responded as I would expect a politician to. He shouldn't have to release his birth
certificate to please a minority of die hard idiots, most of whom will continue to believe
he isn't American.

The same is true for Osama, none of the die hard supporters of Al Qaeda who want to
believe he is alive will change their opinion based on some photos and someones word that
the DNA test was positive so why bother? Why give them a picture of their dead leader to
post up on Placards and try to incite hatred?

All actions like these do is persuad the MODERATES, the people who don't care too much
either way. After all, it isn't the moderates who go around blowing people up, it is the
people who are already radicalised so why bother? Who is to say whether realeasing the
photos will cause more moderates to go over to the extremist point of view, they say he is
dead, I will believe them, it doesn't really affect me.

Whether or not Osama is alive of not doesn't detract from the fact I think the UK as a
whole (Police, Army, Intelligence Services etc.) will ensure my protection, and if they
don't, then I am dead and I guess I was SOL that day. Anyone who supports the decision to
kill other people based on religious ideology is someone I believe should be eliminated,
I'm nt even going to go into who that is, but if my local vicar started preaching to kill
all Muslims, I would take the same view as if it is some preacher in a foreign country.

(That said, in the UK we just invite them over and then pay them benefits and let them
preach hate within our country. Because we are cool like that...)

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 05:49

It's nice to see you fellow Americans are waking up slowly. Soon you'll realize you've
been deceived by media long time ago.

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 05:48

listening to donald trumps stupidity is just well.......stupid

and whukid have watched to news all morning havent heard a word on lindsey
lohan, so not sure where you are getting she is getting more attention then bin
ladens death

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 05:38

Well it was the way obama responded that made it way worst then it should have been
just like the bin laden... no photos and buried at sea within 48 hours...
so its saying hey i'm giving no proof of what i say and if you don't like it too bad...

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 05:25

American Politics is a bit dreary for my liking. The man managed to get himself to be
President which as a requirement means he must have been born somewhere in the USA or some
such other criteria.

Do you not think that the people who organise the elections check the legitimacy of each
candidate to sit in office? Or do you think that Obama just walked into the White House
without so much as a check on him?

Donald Trump is a fool, claiming a victory for the release of a birth certificate which
all along confirmed what we were told. Why was the release necessary? Because of the
stupidity of the people who think that a man can simply become President of the USA
without his legitimacy being checked... That is the entertaining thing, idiots led by
idiots and if you were one of the ones baying for the certificate to be released, you are
a fool.

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 04:29

Why did he not just proof it in 2008 to end that BS... He did not let it out till 2 years
later... And yes he could do one more thing for me... Openly apologize instead of playing
the blame game... On major issues

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 04:19

No, you can't question Obama now. He gave you his birth certificate and Osama bin laden. Anything else he can get
you, motherfu****s?

  • Re : Fail national Media

    05. 05. 2011 03:58

What if (A) bin laden is not dead.
What if (B) bin laden died months/years ago

remember we don't full know much about obama's past... Other then he went to a
racist church & demoralized white people. Also used affirmative action to teach
constitutional law at the University of Chicago & had not published a serious academic
papers and seems to know very little about the United States...
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