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  • Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 11:55

Yes I know this was suggested in some form or another so don't post search but the
simple fact is missions have basically no reward even if you complete it successfully.
Missions are done for fun but if there is no reward people are more inclined to do
gb2 battles. All I am asking for is an increase of the creds and exp rewarded for
successfully or even failing a mission to something like what gb2 gets.

Edit: just increase the exp and creds of mission reward, if successful, to something
like a blitz lvl or a loss in gb2.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 15:20

The average skill is already bad to make the things worst with grinding against AI.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 14:39

No, then this game would come down to only leveling up for playing against the AI.

There is already a little bit of exp, credits and points you get if you do it successful,
but not enough to where people would do it all the time to exploit it and only level up by
playing vs the AI.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 14:24

"All I am asking for is an increase of the creds and exp rewarded for
successfully or even failing a mission to something like what gb2 gets. "

BB6 in 2 weeks.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 12:58

sorry im thinking i didnt convey my message too well. The missions that have to
have like 7 other people in order to be successful. those should at least get
something more than the less than 1k exp and creds that you get.

  • Re : Mission exp.

    05. 12. 2011 12:39

no. Its an online game, thats why you have to be connected to play. Yes, there are
missions, but the focus is online.
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