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  • Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    05. 28. 2011 15:13

As our CV was launching a wave of bombers and putting them onto the border, the enemy CV
was bringing his bombers OFF the border at the same time to bomb him.

Very nice summation of the level that NF is now at.

Please, tell me what you think?


  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 04. 2011 14:40

Why would you even click on the border for a plane in the first place?

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 04. 2011 14:01

>How about this; When a plane hits the border, the plane will not respond to controls for
>1 minute, and will automatically return to the owners ship.

That sounds awfully punitive. We don't need to think from the side of the intentional
border humpers, but we do need to think from the side of the people who could potentially
be hurt by the proposed fix.

What if the best fix is a simple one?
Instead of punishing the problem, why not systematically remove it entirely?

Currently there is a box that goes all the way around the map. If a ship leaves that box,
it cannot fire its guns.
I propose that there could be a similar box for aircraft that's a little bit smaller than
the map, smaller enough to make any exploitation of the border impossible. Then, if you
were to direct your planes outside of it, it could just not process the action the same
way it doesn't process firing from the border. Better yet, redirect the click to the
nearest point within the aircraft box.

In this scenario, someone who accidentally clicks too far for a plane simply has their
aircraft redirected by an inch or two. Someone who intentionally uses the border for
concealment would get frustrated that it wouldn't work anymore, and be forced to change

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 08:21

*When you have to deal lets say with 4 squads in diffrent areas and also preparing the next
waves and spam right clicking to move a squad through enemy fighters etc etc, its not

If your a good CV driver and know what you're doing. . . It is easy.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 08:02

That's easily avoidable by only penalizing players that set their target to the border and
allow their planes to reach that target point and circle around it.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 07:52

When you have to deal lets say with 4 squads in diffrent areas and also preparing the next
waves and spam right clicking to move a squad through enemy fighters etc etc, its not
easy.I ll say its very hard to not to loosing them.
Sure it sounds like a good idea but i foresee a failure.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 07:27

I see it more as the next new tactic. It's not like you can't just control your planes away
from the border.

Proper testing will need to be done before saying a specific amount now. But 1000% if
am not mistaken should be around 15 to 16 seconds flight time for bombers.

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 07:27

Surely you should be controlling your planes and not let them be chased around?

Its called micromanagement...

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 06:38

Although, I love the idea of greater fuel usage on the borders; How about 1000%
greater fuel usage when the plane is off the screen?

I can see the next exploit.A scout luring a fighter squad to the borders.
That will happen even with the AAW idea.

Thet have to limit the area that planes can use (like 3-10cm/south-north smaller than the
viewable area).

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 06:12

I do see your point. Some people do hit the rocks, and another point, the hitbox of the
rocks and ships aren't great either.

However, a ship (99% of the time) can always reverse, and it is better than people
border humping. At least people can avoid the rocks via the usage of skill.

Although, I love the idea of greater fuel usage on the borders; How about 1000%
greater fuel usage when the plane is off the screen?

  • Re : Border Humping is not a problem in Navyfield.

    06. 03. 2011 05:13

Even the best CV players out there hit the rocks from time to time. The reason this
happens is many and usually isn't because of situational awareness. I use minimap
to see that.

I like to move my CV around to be close to the BB line, but not to close either.

I personally hit it about 1 in 20-25 games(used to hit it 1 in 10 when I was a CV3
player long time ago). Not because am unaware of the rocks and borders, but
because if I have to choose between controlling CV and controlling that 1 last fp in
the air to scout, I choose the fp. Going at 44 to 47 knots doesn't help either.

But yeah, it doesn't take more then pressing the G key and a click away from borders
to prevent this. But if SDE is gonna do something to the borders, it should be mild.

Maybe like a 30% more fuel decrease ratio per time. More time you spend on the
borders, like in the case of a border humping, the more fuel is removed.

Bombers being humped won't be able to have enough fuel to reach the enemy line.
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