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Royal Navy


  • Frustrated

    05. 29. 2011 15:38

I am returning to Navy Field after two years and an account wipe. I know the basic
controls and I thought I remembered how to play but even in a L class with single 6"s I
find myself near useless. I am having a hell of a hard time with dialing in my manual aim
to actually make it useful. I know that auto is fail but I am struggling to hit 5k attack
each game with my L class. I am at the point where I am loading torps up and suicide
running it just to get a few attack.
Any tips or suggestions?

  • Re : Frustrated

    05. 30. 2011 07:55

well, as has been said, welcome back.

using a L maybe your first problem. personaly i would get a O and re mod it to a Q and
forget the L and tribal. i keep a low level blitz crew just for my Q and emerlad (with the
4" trips)

if you are after giggles put the 4" trips on it and go and own in blitz. after that get a
emerald and go AA in GB's.

dont ever put torps on a uk DD/CL unless you are going the SS route.

if the above fails try putting HH on a DD or CL (if you have a sonar man for the CL) and
go be ASW in GB's.

  • Re : Frustrated

    05. 30. 2011 05:19

single guns have crappy range+ UK worst range make them useless.
UK until PBB or BB3 is hell on steroids but from there fun begin(try AA atleast 1 plane so
you dont be cut on exp gain and leach your way)

  • Re : Frustrated

    05. 30. 2011 04:19

first of all welcome back :)
did you check your headquarter at the harbour? Your sailors could be there. I couldn't
find my sailors like you and i found them at my hq.
Battlerooms are more realistic and difficult from before.

  • Re : Frustrated

    05. 29. 2011 20:37

If you had an old account.

File a support ticket on the left, they will fix everything, its just in storage.
Go to Support, then Contact Support and file a ticket, they'll fix it.
Comes back just the way you left it.

Also try bigger guns for more range, the extra range allows you more time to aim as UK
guns have the slow reload. If that doesn't resolve your issue, try another ship, the Dido
if your level is high enough
or the Q if you still need more time.
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