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  • Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 05:18

Now I for one have alot of ppl in my fleet that are close to their first BB6/CV6 or
there 2nd 3rd and so on, I think 50 mil is very steep for these ships, I understand
they are end game ships ( for now ) but when a BB5 is 2877000 why does a BB6
need to be 50mil credits and 20 mil points, never understood why that value was

this is not to mention how much they cost to run, now I know the argument credits
are easy to get, get a CV and earn credits or AA, well some ppl dont play CV, I have
one dont play it really, im a BB type player, and week after week ppl need to borrow
or have to wait to earn something they worked very hard to obtain

nothing is more frustrating to ppl then finally getting there and have to plead and
beg to get the credits to buy it, not to mention now you need credits just to take it
out of harbor and play it

I think and average 20 mil credits and points should be the standard rate of these
ships, they are not ebbs nor pbbs they are just another ship in the line, and should
be treated as such, im not saying they shouldnt cost, but 50 mil to me seems a little
much for this feature

when they were new and rare I could see the point, but they are not now, lets
lower the cost and make them more affordable to the player base


  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 14:01

This is a bad idea. There is a reason why the cost is so high. If it wasn't, then there
would be not much to work up to. It is a challenge to get that high, too hard a challenge
it sounds like?

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 12:49

I have 4 I earn them just fine, no need to be nasty

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 12:21


BB6/CV6 are that high cause you have to earn them devil, obviously you don't know what
earned means bud.

You either learn to adapt or get run over simple as that.

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 11:52

ah ah ah , good joke XD
vote for -1

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 11:20

Okay 10 level 50 sailors for 5m apiece.

50m there easy.

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 11:09

lol lvl 50 sailor for 50 mil, maybe on nebraska

your welcome

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 08:54

Tell them to sell a lvl 50 sailor or something, et voila 50m credits. You're welcome.

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 08:36

why would refunds need to be given out? prices of things change everyday in life, if I
bought something for 1000 dollars and 5 yrs for now its 200 dollars does that mean
I deserve a refund?

just asking

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 08:32

The game needs more credit sinks, not less.

On top of that, its completely unfair for those who currently have them, and if refunds were
given, it would lead to huge inflation.

  • Re : Reduce cost of BB6/CV6

    06. 06. 2011 08:22

Keep your BB5 to earn creds with, only break the BB6/CV6 out for special occasions? I
hardly see how its unfair, most players can toss that around if they have spent the time
to get to a BB6
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