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  • New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 07. 2011 21:22

What are they ?

  • Re : New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 08. 2011 22:32

I'm guessing the SN D class is the 1929 D class:

Not the Delta class.

  • Re : New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 08. 2011 12:06

Forget the BB7. Give us the Ohio-class SSBNs as the SS7 instead :)

  • Re : New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 08. 2011 09:57

Not trying to flame or troll but ships with guided missiles are for the weak that can't
aim. Plus, if you start introducing stuff from the Cold War/present day, then next we'll
have T5 and T6 planes (jets) on CVs, nukes, and radar so that you could see the entire
field. Although the latter might actually turn out to be an improvement, the introduction
would render the current gameplay totally useless and outdated. Missiles fired from a DD
would be devastating to BBs and can hit them before the BBs can even get into range. Jets
would eat up the current T4s like a T2 Zero against the T4 Mustangs with BVE FPs. Lets not
even get into nukes. If we do get modern weapons and ships, then the doctrines established
by the original veteran players of NF would totally go to waste and then we'd have to
rework all of that. Although, it would certainly be an interesting and amusing change.

The SS5/6 would just be another reason to make people by the prem HH from the NF store.
And plz, no BB7... the BB1-3s don't need to be farmed any more than they already are.

  • Re : New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 08. 2011 04:21

Psh, like we need more subs. Bring out the BB7s!!! Or atleast guided missile destoryers/cruisers.

  • Re : New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 08. 2011 04:17

yes submarines this summer

lazerhead sharks some weeks later then. peng peng

  • Re : New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 07. 2011 23:02

Not really Angus.

In early releases of the French shiptree, it was shown that the SS5 would be
Surcouf, and the SS6 would be Minerve.

Their images are floating around in Youtube too.

  • Re : New submarines come up this summer?

    06. 07. 2011 21:23

So far, only the SN SS5 is known (D Class), the others are still a SDE secret.
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