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  • Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 09. 2011 10:46

For the sake of a stimulating discusssion, what does everyone else think of this
controversial and far out theory?

Basically, Ancient Astronaut theory proposes that in ancient times, the Earth was
visited by extra-terrestrials from other civilizations in the universe. And mankind,
with limited knowledge of science, believed them to be gods and thus worshipped
them, perhaps giving rise to religions.

Also, it is also proposed that these advanced visitors gave primitive man assistance,
knowledge and tools that enabled them to accomplish great feats in engineering
and mathematics, among others.

Reasons for:
- Civilizations from all four corners of the world, developing in isolation from each
other, somehow came to share the common concept of God descending from the
skies, as well sharing many other motifs in their relics.
- Was this just coincidence, or points to misunderstood, alien visitations?
- With an almost infinite amount of galaxies out there, surely intelligent life
developed somewhere else?
- Chinese culture talks of deities descending on fire-breathing dragons. Could this
simply be spacecraft with exhaust propulsion?
- Many ancient wonders, e.g. the Pyramids, Stonehenge and the Moai on Easter
Island, would be quite a challenge to construct even with today's modern
technology. Yet societies thousands of years ago achieved it. Could they have had
some help?

Reasons against:
- There is no solid evidence supporting these beliefs. All there is, is pure conjecture
and speculation.

Personally, I feel it is plausible, though not entirely probable. This concept is so out
of left field, that it becomes quite fascinating. But for now, I'll agree that it is pure
speculation. Perhaps one day we'll know for sure.

What say you?


  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 15:22

Time travelers?

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 13:23

IF Goverments/People were to cover it up the best thing they could do is Make UFO a
joke... I do believe that some people talk out there butt and don't back it up with much
of anything... The UFO field has been flooded with want to be and nobodys...

There has been too many well documented incidents with major governments sending
jet planes to intercept Objects they cant understand...

Believe what you want to believe, DO your own homework and figure out for yourself,
Just don't say yes i believe or no i do not without looking for facts...

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 10:45

This guy is my new favorite scientist; it even looks like he just stepped off an alien
ship... a very fast-moving one at that.

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 10:44

*Besides a bunch of retards running around with camera's and expensive suits, there is
nothing going for any Alien Theory. *

<<No offence meant to anyone with religious beliefs!! Even though the initial part has

Because an ark with two of every animal on the planet is plausible. Right?

The religious thoeries and events written in books like the bible are written long after
the events and yet millions of people follow the beliefs these books instil.

Just because there is no evidence yet does not mean it is entirely impossible.

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 10:24

Being that our galaxy is ~100,000 light years in diameter and ~1,000 light years thick, it
is pretty inconceivable that humanity will ever travel across the entire thing, let alone
other galaxies. Unless we discover faster-than-light travel, or some sort of infinite
improbability drive. Heck, the time spent just traveling to nearby stars is long enough to
make it just a one way trip.

As for ancient astronauts, there is no way for us to know for certain. I have seen UFO's 3
different times in 3 different places, so I don't discount the possibility of other
civilizations existing. It's just that there is no solid evidence for it. There are
hallucinogenic plants all over the world that could make anyone think that they are seeing
beings descending from the sky, especially in the minds of people who had less knowledge
and understanding of the natural world. That is a more plausible explanation for any of this.

In all honesty though, how could you not believe everything this man has to say...

Just look at that hair.
And, he's even wearing an ancient flying machine on his jacket.

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 05:50

As for some of the sightings being modern aircraft, that's maybe true.
But how then, do you explain sightings of lights in the skies, depictions of flying
machines, etc, made by people hundreds or thousands of years ago, before the
advent of aircraft ?

Your figure of millions of light years away is a bit extreme, as extra solar planets
have been discovered in galaxies just 40 or 50 lights years away, some within the
habitable zone.

Away from that, it is conceivable that in a few hundred years, we might have the
technology to travel to neighbouring celestial bodies and galaxies.

Supposing any extra terrestrial civilization evolved much earlier than we did, they
could conceivably be far more advanced and have technologies beyond what we're
capable of today, such as interstellar travel.

While I'll agree that such a premise may seem science fiction at the moment, it's
definitely not beyond the realms of possibility. Nobody can prove that God or religion
exists either, but that doesn't mean its fantasy.

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 04:01

its a very interesting topic, and mainly one of fantasy

the closest planets with the chances of harbouring intelligent life are millions of light
years away. and seeing as light is the fastest thing in the universe, it would take so
long to just get to earth

also, anyone find it interesting that these 'aliens' are mainly looking to pick up
rednecks from america ;)

other than that, who knows what secret government aircraft are up there? human
technology advances so quickly now, these sightings are probably new aircraft.

or, just a wonder of the universe like upward shooting lightning

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 02:52


I fully agree. The universe is simply too vast for us to be the only living things out
there. So the bigger question is, supposing we're not alone, is there other intelligent
life, and if yes, have they ever visited us before.

Perhaps UFOs point to the answer, and hopefully one day the public will find one
intact that offers irrefutable proof to one of mankind's oldest questions.

Many believe that governments have hushed up their existence, supposing some
were previously found. While I don't want to make a judgement on that, it makes
you wonder, if the allegations are true, why are they so afraid of people knowing?

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 00:55

@ Emma
I dont know much about that; however humans would be stupit to think that we are
the only thing in the universie... I belive we have been visted at some point and time
and with the lastest sighting such as the one of China Airport

Also i know for a fact there are many air plane ploits see this however most dont report
it or say anything so not the be laugh at or lose there jobs

I will say if you look online and Google San Diego 2008 new years UFO

  • Re : Ancient Astronaut theory

    06. 10. 2011 00:08


Good point that. But what about cultures or civilizations that weren't conquered
or colonized at the times when the concept of a higher being came into their belief

There's also a flipside. It shows that ancient people, not knowing any better, are
prone to worshipping a superior culture as their gods. Now hypothetically, if an
advanced, extra terrestrial race were to visit Earth at those times, it wouldn't be a
stretch to imagine that ancient man would treat them with the same reverance.

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