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  • If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 09. 2005 13:23

Please, if you crash, every time you crash, Please check your Navy Field Folder
c:\program files\sdenternet\navyfield\) for any files ending with .rpt

If you find these files please send a copy with a breif description of what happened
before/during your crash, include the .rpt file with a Contact Support ticket.

If we do not do this the Dev team will have a much more difficult time in solving these

If you have not done so already, pleae look at the Stickied post Titled: "Common
Problems/Fixes. READ FIRST!" there may be something in there to help you out.



*edited by eze1 - removed [email protected] email address and replaced it with
Contact Support.*

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    12. 02. 2005 14:49

TNF i got a problem...
I played in all welcome room, it has 70 and more player in this room. when i starting

It's that a one kind of crash too??

plz reply

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    12. 01. 2005 16:54

well, i dont really crash, i crashed once but that was a long time ago, i freez almost
all the time in nf, once every 25 mins, it aint fun cause i have to restart my pc which
takes 5 mins to load up (its a server type of pc) i do have 2 .rpt files (1 is blank)
should i e-mail it anyway?

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    12. 01. 2005 12:24

Sorry about my english, i'm form spain.
I go so shipyard with no problem, but when i try to go to battle, see a black screen
and then back to windows. What can it be?
Pls Help

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 26. 2005 14:08

Sent you 3 from today alone !! This does not bode well for retail in Deember?

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 26. 2005 10:42


what can I do to my Account? It crashed (once) after an OP Convoy Battle. We've
one but after the Crash I lost my Shp (All) and Crews (All) and the worst part is I
was back to being Level 1 again... Any solution to this???

I wanted to get my Ship, Crews, Exp points and Money back so I could continue to
play... Pls HELP anyone!

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 25. 2005 20:35

great atleast we can do something to help you guys out. I'll check it out next time i


  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 22. 2005 23:48

thanx for letting me know team nf really helpful

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 18. 2005 23:05

team nf averytime i crash it say
erro send or cancel
this werid msg always come up

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 18. 2005 19:22

On my comp. it doesn't crash...just freeze, most of the times appears an error: You have
lost connection with the server".
During a normal play, sometimes i can hear the music but image stops to start running a
few scnd later...sometimes more than 30 scds.
Is this a bug or is my Internet conection problem?
I have conection by cable 2MB, so i think probably it's not my net problem.
Other thing i can enter at Bismark server, it keep saying that the server is's
full or is a problem too? i'm asking this cuz after i read the noob manual i saw we can
play with one account in one server, so i decide to register another account to enter at
Bismark server, but telling me the same.

Thanks, Entroncas

  • Re : If you Crash. PLEASE READ

    11. 18. 2005 09:50

Considered equipment NF

I am lost 150k and many hours by the surprise crash of the game.

Now, at least, I will be able to protest.

But my points and money?
