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Marine Nationale


  • Basic DD/CL/CA Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 18. 2010 21:44

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  • Re : Basic DD/CL/CA Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 19. 2010 17:25

The 5.46" Model 1929 hold only one bind on the l'Adroit. It's possible that the 5.46"
Model 1910 are a viable alternative, with more ammo and a faster reload.

  • Re : Basic DD/CL/CA Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 19. 2010 08:56

OK, this one stickied then.

  • Re : Basic DD/CL/CA Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 18. 2010 23:08

Nice job and helpful information to boot. Thank you, Rehor.

  • Re : Basic DD/CL/CA Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 18. 2010 21:44


DC and/or HH and/or AA might be more viable in some environments, but some players still
like the classic NF where you battle ships of your own tier. This is for them. Just a
quick chart that shows my suggested gun setups for the destroyers and cruisers of the
Marine Nationale. I've also included the "proper" engines for each of these ships.

Of note: I still care about range, and this chart reflects that, but there really aren't a
lot of options, so my opinion is that you would be pretty foolish not to put one of my
noted sets on your ship (DC, HH, and AA excepted, of course).

Latest Version: 02-20-10 03:05 PM Server Time


Got the Tourville; slapped on the dual 8. Reload is pretty harsh; 7 seconds is quite a
change from the 4.12 of the triple 6.1. Damage is a huge step up even though both spreads
are Finder-esque. Absolutely love the 30* guns even though the range is *very low* for a CA.


The level 49 surprise.
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