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Marine Nationale


  • Lyon vs Normandie

    02. 20. 2010 14:08

I'm curious--I really want to know :P

By this time some of you may have one of those BBs

Please feel free to post your opinions regarding the one you have so they could be
"objectively" compared.

It can mount x3 Quads (lvl and specifics?)

and it is said/believed...

-- smaller hitbox
-- faster (How much?)
-- line is aesthetically better (looks pretty :rolleyes:)
-- better spread???

-- can mount x4 Quads (info?)
-- sails at about 21/22 knts
-- 35knts OH (cap?)
-- longer range.
-- wide spread
(can carry 24 binds???)

I know it looks crappy, but I'll polish it up as soon as you give me more evidence...
I consider it isn't necessary that I post what is in trainworld; but if you want it, I
might try.

  • Re : Lyon vs Normandie

    02. 20. 2010 20:59

I'm going to have to say the Normandie will be the better of the two. It has a faster
speed, seems to be just a bit smaller, the 3 quads instead of 4/5(I forget) mean a better

  • Re : Lyon vs Normandie

    02. 20. 2010 20:57

I'm going Normandie first, purely because the Bretagne and Lorraine look so much
nicer than Courbet and Paris on the other line. Yeah, I place more emphasis on ship
aesthetics rather than its ability.

But I'll eventually get a Lyon as well, so I'll have both lines to mess around with.

  • Re : Lyon vs Normandie

    02. 20. 2010 15:42

Normandie is a bit smaller and faster and has 3 Quads

Lyon has 4 quads, but does 35 OH

  • Re : Lyon vs Normandie

    02. 20. 2010 14:50

for me, the Lyon as it has one extra slot for an extra turret. and from what i heard,
Lyon can oneshot a monty if you can get the lyon to 1) blockshot and 2) slingshot.
but that's just me.
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