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  • His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 10. 2010 09:27

Guide is posted below to save the thread's formatting from OMGWORDCANCER

~ Ferrard

*stickied by lanthanide
(Or unless something better arrives) :D

*I used missile component superglue for the sticky. Tear it off for a big, black hole in
the RN forums. :DD

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 15. 2010 01:45

Nice guide Ferrard. I'll sticky this for you.

Good day.

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 13. 2010 17:02

I stand corrected. Thanks for the info tipsy


  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 13. 2010 08:50

Actually boydyma 4.7 inch guns (Mark IX, Mark XII, Mark XI) were the mainstay main
armament in Royal Navy destroyers and were apparently alright in surface actions
but as an anti air armament were found to be lacking. Most destroyers in order to
improve the anti air armament removed an torpedo tube set or an main gun or the
entire main armament and replaced them with 4 inch guns.

Such as the Tribal class which the original main armament was eight 4.7 inch Mark
XII guns in twin mounts which you would think sounds as though it would make an
great anti-air armament however they all removed thier gun on X mount and
replaced it with an twin 4 inch XVI to improve the anti air armament once two were
sunken by german aircraft. Two were built with twin 4 inch Mark XVI as the main
armament instead also.

O's as designed would have had four 4.7 inch Mark XII guns in single mounts and
two torpedo tube sets but in order to improve the anti air capability the first group
removed the aft torpedo set and replaced it with an single 4 inch Mark V gun the
second set instead had the whole main armament as just single 4 inch Mark V guns
as well as the aft torpedo set replaced with an single 4 inch Mark V. P's which were
just repeats of the O's were given the same armament as the second O group.

I could go on with others. I, J, K, L, M, N....................

Heres an great website about naval guns.

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 13. 2010 00:40

My problem with recommending ships other than the Emerald and the Sirius is that I really
can't. At a purely technical level, no other UK ships are near as well suited to the role
as those two, and even between the Emerald and the Sirius there is a huge difference in
effectiveness. The same goes for guns other than the 5.25"s and Pom-poms. Yes, they will
work, but they will not work nearly as well, and as such I cannot recommend them. I'm not
showing people how to be most effective with each ship and each gun, I'm showing them how
to be most effective period within the RN.

In regards to T-slots: CAs should run pom-poms. The Revenge should run either naked or
with pom-poms - I've run dual 4" on it before, and they were utterly useless. No
broadside strength, no range, and next-to-no damage. The QE, Renown, and Repulse should
run 5.25's. The KGV and PoW really should run 5.25's, but I understand that it hinders
any playstyle they might use.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 13. 2010 00:24

The only reason I am making allowance for the 4" duals is it is the lightest gun that
mounts what I consider useable UK AA, this is ideal for the T slots of the UK BB1-2
on the CAs and on the main gun slots of the DDs. everything else is just way to big
of a gunspace and too heavy to cinsider for the truely nub AA player.

If a player who has cut his teeth on the 4" duals in the lower ships is going to really
rock on when he gains access to the premium UK AA gun... the 5.25"s

THAT is the only reason why.

I also added the 4.5s as an upgrade from the dual 4"s as they also can be used,
poorly, but better then the 4"s

Never said anything about the 4.7"s cus they really really suck, which is stupid as
they were the mainstay AA gun for the Royal Navy for WW2 on destroyers, you'd
think that they would have an ok gun there... Even made it a sniper weapon like the
IJN 4.7"s.....

As a guide you can't just say "use this ship" and ignore the other choices, you need
to have an unbiased (hard to do) view on all guns and ships of the Royal Navy.

I got my CA County out last night and put 300 experts across all of my sailors in 4
games using the 5.25"s thats 7 and a half per sailor per game. A bit rusty with my
angles at first I must admit but it's like riding a bike for anyone who has cut his teeth
on UK AA, and I just love the sound those shells make when hitting the end of their
flight time.... CCCCCCCRUMP!



also the 4" has a goodly amount of shells available to it on the emerald, so that
means a good amount of HE... put that on gradual and you have a nasty localised
anti ship rainstorm at high angle... xD

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 12. 2010 19:35

Testing of AA guns was performed on an Emerald fitted with Seven turrets of the relevant
gun, crewed by a Level 54 BO and Two level 72 Reload gunners and taken into Great Battle.


Dual 4": As close to KM / US spam as you can get - these guns load the quickest, but "the
quickest" is still a horribly slow 2.4 seconds (faster with the mid-level reloaders) Weak
shells and short range round out the trifecta of suck that is Dual 4"N's.

Dual 4.5" RP10: Another valiant attempt by the RN to copy KM / US spam. These guns reload
even slower than their larger 5.25" cousins for reasons unknown. Relatively short range
hampers their ability, though their shells hit for a nice 80 damage each. If any planes
come in range, you could put one good salvo of hurt on them before they fly away.

Dual 4.5" QF: This gun surprised me. It reloads just a hair slower than the 5.25" RP10,
does half the damage, but has almost the same range as the larger gun. In other words,
it's a slower firing, long-ranged 3.46" KM gun. This is the only gun I would consider
usable for AA if your gunners can't use 5.25" RP10's yet. Even then, it's better to save
the money and level right past these guns.

Dual 4.7": No. Just no. The Mark XIX's range sucks. The Mark XI's reload sucks. These
guns just suck. Period.

~ Ferrard

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 12. 2010 15:52

4.7s suck real bad, i wouldnt bother using em

and one of the 4.5s has decent range, i think it's the QFs despite their GA of 39,
although they hit less hard, though it's been a while since i used em

and about the cruiser T slots, their close together meaning that the shells wont spread
out alot like on the Rs, i'll try em out on my surrey once my ISP is done sorting my internet

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 12. 2010 14:32

The main problem with guns other than the 5.25" and Pom-poms is that you don't
gain anything in reload time, you lose range, and you lose damage. That's not a
winning formula, as you're nerfing the RN advantages and making the disadvantage

I am still going to try the 4.5's and 4.7's when I get back home, but I doubt I will find
anything to drastically change my opinion.

As for mounting them on cruiser T-slots - the cruisers as portrayed in-game are
incapable of mounting an effective AA suite except with Pom-poms, and even those I
would hesitate to call "effective," what with there only being three turrets per

Obviously, the Furious does better, but I haven't spent any money on this game,
and so can't comment on the workings of Premie ships.

@ Boydyma - if you think it'd be best, then feel free to delete / edit your posts. I'm
going to add credits to you guys for the editing help anyways, so it'll be okay =)

~ Ferrard

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 12. 2010 04:56

i agree with boydyma and his AA gun choices, the 5.25's and pom poms are not the end of
the world, though personally i would stick away from the 4" duals.

i would like to chuck in the 4.5 RP50 singles into the mix, their good for the T slots of
cruisers, same range and angles as one of the 4.5 Rp/QF duals (working off the top of my
head here), with 88 damage and semi good reload(bout the same as the duels), they work
well for the york/county

although if you can mount duals, then use em :P

also the dunkie prem AA guns are just good reload versions of the 5.25 RP10 Ns

  • Re : His Majesty's Anti-Aircraft Guide

    07. 12. 2010 04:07

This will take a lot of tweaks before it is perfect IMHO, but this is looking to be a very
good guide as it stands right now.

Thank you sir!


*edit* I am willing to remove my previous posts if requested
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