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  • M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 22. 2010 21:45

I have an M-Pro light cruiser armed with 4 sets of 6.75"/40 SK L/40s L guns.
Unfortunately they fire much further than I can see.

My Bridge Operator is 44th level, has a 696 operating value and 148 expert sailors
that provide a 44% ability rate.

What can I do that will allow me to see where my shells are splashing?

Thanks in advance!

  • Re : M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 23. 2010 11:37

Thanks for the advice you guys. I guess I should focus on leveling and getting more
veterans. Maybe I'll try some AA missions.

However the M-Pro is for Bridge Operators that are level 37 through 44.
I'm already 44th level and at 45 I get the Admiral Hipper. Once I hit 45 I'm
upgrading to the new ship because it has better armor and guns. Also my 8 sailors
are very heavy. I'm down to almost no armor just so I can hold them. If they were
level 50+ I might not be able to leave the shipyard.

Is the M-Pro a fail ship in Blitzkrieg?

A) It has very light armor. I'm down to just 1" of belt and 4 bulge.
B) It has average speed and doesn't turn great.
C) BOs lvl 37 through 44 can't utilize the range advantage of it's guns.
D) It seems to have weak AA. In many angles most of it's guns won't fire.

Maybe the M-Pro is a torp ship? It does have 5 T slots.

  • Re : M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 23. 2010 05:23

Also check to make sure you have the best FCS on the ship.

  • Re : M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 23. 2010 04:16

Also at lvl44 you should look to convert experts to vets, it tends to be a much better
conversion rate below lvl60 and you get 4 times the ability for vets compared to experts
so even if you only convert 40/160 experts you will not reduce your guidelines. Also make
sure you recruits are filled.

  • Re : M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 23. 2010 04:13

Boost, Vets, Experts... aka BVE. Some say BVE'ing your BO is a waste of money (or
time getting the VE the hard way), however, it will make playing much easier
through the CL to BB1 stages.
If you ask me, not spotting your shells, is a bug. It makes no sense to punish low
level players with this handicap.

  • Re : M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 22. 2010 23:48

yes, investing in an emden is worth it. AAing will net you much needed cash for later
and will help break up the grinds of KM.

  • Re : M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 22. 2010 22:16

This happens with a lot of CLs, CAs, and sometimes BBs. It ultimately gets solved with
more levels, vets, and experts. Gaining experts/vets would probably be the easiest.

  • Re : M-pro can't see shells splash

    10. 22. 2010 22:13

droid... much of this has to do with the experts on your BO. Give it a couple lvls and you
will start seeing them. ALSO - jump in an EMDEN and do some AA...get you some experts mate.
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