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  • Why does the County suck so bad?

    12. 28. 2010 18:13

Seriously. And before I get the standard load of replies, it's not me. I don't suck,
I'm not a noob, I know what I'm doing. First off (and least important), it looks like
garbage. Second, the spread on the 8" Ls is completely horrible. Even with lv 54
boosted elite gunners, my spread is so bad that I can hardly ever put a shell on
anything at max range. It's basically an Edin that you can put more armor on with
one less R slot, and crappier guns. And it's one of TWO RN CAs, excluding the
Furious, which from what I'm told is also pretty worthless. And to top it off, I have to
grind through eleven freaking levels with this pile. I'd have taken the York line,
except I don't like playing the same ship for a freaking month trying to level up to
the next one. Is there anything I can try or anything to at least make this grind

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 03. 2011 08:20

Keeping degree at 70 is very hard and don't give me much reward IMO. I don't
hesitate to lowering angle to 20-24 when the target comes closer, TDA is my
friend. Just keep the range so you can restart HA just moments later.

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 03. 2011 06:25

"If they come even closer either pull back and keep them at angle 70 or drop your guns
down and engage close range."

You have a ship that is slow, big and has slow reload... you couldn't kill them as they
approach, so you run away and you hope.... either they are as slow as you are and you can
give them 70 degrees of pain until they die, or your crappy reload with bad spread is
enough to save you... neither option sounds appealing really, but good luck with that.

The only time this will work is if you are in Blitz and your opponent is dumb enough to
get hit at HA, in which case it's already decided. A battle of the wits... are you dumb
enough to get in a County?

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 03. 2011 00:54

Not really sure what your talking about but county + 8" L + High angle = win

Always keep this in mind, at angle 55 you have max range, at angle 70 you have max damage.
If you engage your target at angle 55, as they come closer, you just increase your angle
to 70 (mind you at 70 those shells hurt).

If they come even closer either pull back and keep them at angle 70 or drop your guns down
and engage close range.

Hope those tips helped

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 03. 2011 00:40

The best way to play the County (especially now blitzkrieg has gone pond-size) is sell it
and use the Emerald.

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 02. 2011 20:16

I just have to say 1 thing about the Furious, with the right crew and player it can
absolutly dominate. I got lvl 55 eliet acc gunners with bost 160 vets each and the rest
experts and i will tell you that i have had packs thats right PACKS of alaskas running for
their lives when im using the trip 15s that were ment for it.

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 01. 2011 08:01

actually, county is a good ship in bliz with 3.x inch deck, that makes you bounce most 6"

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 01. 2011 03:53

county is prolly the only ship that can give competition to the atlanta in the "rainfall
contest" also known as HAW (but mostly referred to it by the target as "wtf its raining? OUCH

I never grinded UK much myself, but I did do most of the county grind of a friend on
nelson, mainly cuz I wanted to try my hand at his HAW.

My conclusion is you must have a small issue with the playstyle if you call a ship that
can twoshot any BB1 crap.

The 8 also offer direct fire possibility if a DD rush you. Spread if you have decent
gunners, and by decent I mean 109 vets/full expert/boosted is more than manageable. sure
its no block. sure you need a fat target to land all your shell at HAW. But every landed
shell deals 1000+ damage. It also has the 2nd best range of all the CAs, safe the PCA and
PS variation KM offers.

My ship of choice for HAW remains the atlanta for the sheer dps it produce, but County
more than manage its part as the long range HAW ship.

Just so you know. deck whore your county with triple 6" all you want. be prepared to be
massive food to a good HAW ship tough. wont even need AP.

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    01. 01. 2011 03:24

County is actually one of the best CAs out there. Its just not very kind to generation
shared xp. Its one of those ships that rape everything, but only when u know what ur doing.

And yes it doesnt looks that good, your right with that one.

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    12. 31. 2010 23:41

Once again, I made 8 duels on a hipper work in hobbit war. You have to play rear artillery.
Snipe people with good gunners. Get around 20k is you know your angles. Fall back
regularly. It helps avoid torps and put you into the KM ship advantage where running gives

Then learn to rush at moments like a lone PCL. You will wipe them out in 2 hits if not 1
up close at 5 degrees.

  • Re : Why does the County suck so bad?

    12. 31. 2010 21:01

In Hobbit war, your best chance is to keep playing the emerald with the rld capped. That
is the most potent combination in the Hobbit War scenario.
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