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  • Solutions to Leechers, Cannon Fodders and other various issues.

    01. 21. 2011 07:06

It's going to be a long post so bear with me.

It is not a problem of new players getting slammed by bigger ships. That's more of a game
mode problem. There's a reason why games with a player base of millions segregate play
areas based on level. For example, World of Warcraft seperates its battleground battles by
level groups so that a level 85 Hunter don't perform a 20,000 damage Explosive Shot on a
poor level 30 player. Sound familiar?

If Navyfield would revive its dd/cl, ca/bb game modes etc, FF/DDs and BB1/2s won't get
completed served by CA/BB1s and BB4/5/6s respectively.

But then of course, there's the issue of shared experience. I mean hey, why work your ass
off for $50 when you can get $30 for free! We are all humans, we all subject to greed and
sloth, and we can't blame each other. Adding on to the problem is the fact that the 2 most
active game modes favor the higher end tier players, which are CA/BB1s in Blitzkrieg and
BB4/5/6s in GB2. They eat players who are new to the game modes as an appetizer for
breakfast. If I'm forced to grind my character up in World of Warcraft by continuously
getting owned by higher level players, I'd quit the game, uninstall it and burn the DVDs.

So the problem here is that we have "Leechers" and "Cannon Fodders".

The solution is easy. Introduce Shared Exp in Normal Game Modes. It's that simple! Feed on
the Greed! In
fact, it would be better if we could introduce more Blitz-like games with level caps of 30
and 90, adding on to Blitz cap of 60. That would even out the difficulty of the grind for
new players and lower level ships. Everyone will have a fighting chance. There should be
no reason to leech. There's still a leecher? Boot his lazy ass in the next game lobby.
It's as simple as that! I'm no IT Programmer, but I'm sure the implementation of such game
modes wouldn't take long. After all, it's just editing existing games modes, give it a new
name and color theme and you're all set.

Now, high level players will complain that they themselves went through harsh times to get
where they were. My reply would be "Don't Lie. You either were a pioneer player from the
early times, leeched, Anti-Air Whored your way through or purchased a PBB. If you really
did grind, suffer and had your ass served in GBs to get your BB4, then you ought to accept
change. It's for the good of the future of the game. You should be proud of SDE for
implementing major changes if it means making the game more more user friendly. If you
really leave because of these changes, it only shows your maturity level."

However, with every solution comes a new problem. If such game modes are to be
implemented, it is IMPERITIVE that the amount of players with different tier ships online
simultaneously be very, very high or the game will die due to long waiting times.
Solution? Merge ALL the servers. Yes, I said it. ALL of it. If need be, Advertise for more
players. This is where SDE must really put their backs into it.

And yet another problem will arise. "Lag". If the current hardware causes lag on current
"High" population servers, which is really ridiculous as its a sprite based game, Upgrade.
Invest. Spend some money. Change the entire server rack. I bet my left nut that it will
work. More people will join the game. Money will come in. You will laugh your ass to the bank.

If you really need some capital to invest, increase the incentive to use the NF store, or
worst case scenario, introduce in-game advertisements on the Main Menu, Harbors and Map
Room etc. Just don't do it on the Battle Screen due to obvious reasons. People are going
to hate it, but it's only going to be temporary. In fact, personally, I wouldn't mind if
it's permanent. Just don't make them too irritating.

Which comes to another problem (sigh), the logarithmically increasing learning curve.
Currently, new players, including me 6 years ago, will be completed blown away by the
massive information they immediately get on the Harbor Screen. I mean, the new arrow
guides are nice, but that's just not enough. That's spoon feeding, not learning. Now I
know there's a nice flash guide on the website and forums, but let's be honest here. Not
many players will first visit the website to research and gather information to plan long
term. They would launch the shit out of the Navyfield Launcher, alt-tab during the loading
screen, log-in, launch the shit out of their frigate and finally, get their arses served
as a side dish.

Solution? In-game tutorials. Not just about the basics, but the more advanced stuff as
well. The REAL advantages of Manual FCS, armor, speed, range, ammo type, gun type, Experts
and Veterans, sailor growth, ship maneuvering, torpedoes, support sailors, Nation
Advantages/Disadvantages, game modes etc. Then there's the really advanced stuff like
Aircraft Carriers and Submarines, Sailor Ability, differences of different Battleship
routes, Battleship formation lines in GBs, Rushing, Anti-Air, AA whoring, Armor whoring,
Speed whoring, experience penalties for various reasons, Team work etc. There's just so
many factors and features of Navyfield gameplay that it's not user-friendly to learn them
through experience and mistakes.

I understand these changes might take a lot of time, effort and money, but I can assure
you once again with my right nut this time, that the end result will be completely worth
it. It's a game with a niche audience, but it's a great game nonetheless. It's unique in
so many ways, that even I prefer it to World of Warcraft. Screw World of Tanks. I'd hate
to see Navyfield die.

PS, buff KM range.
PPS, remove 1 level gain per game limit for sailors.
PPPS, add more normal ships, not event ships.
PPPPS, what the hell, buff 2nd set KM 11" shell damage.

  • Re : Solutions to Leechers, Cannon Fodders and other various issues.

    01. 21. 2011 08:21

not recced

fact that you say this

**The solution is easy. Introduce Shared Exp in Normal Game Modes.**

is enuf to ignore your *briliant* ideas...

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