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  • HH range reduction

    03. 06. 2011 15:15

need to reduce the range of HH

-the HH shoot farther than kmss4 miniguns (lvl 12 HH > lvl 74
-people use HH as shells instead of normal guns
-imo its an exploit using HH instead of normal guns against normal ships
-it seems HH are bigger than shells (regarding damage inflicted)

***at least bar them from blitz since no subs are there***

  • Re : HH range reduction

    03. 07. 2011 05:21

SS'sshouldnt call any1 babies sheesh i think everything good the way it is.... all i see
these days r SS players whinning nerf this nerf that it hurts

  • Re : HH range reduction

    03. 06. 2011 21:15

If you nerf range, then you must allow any sailor to use the jege jogs

  • Re : HH range reduction

    03. 06. 2011 19:38

NF won't do anything to weaken the dominance of the "Big Babies". SS scare the
bejeebers out of Big Babies and they are crying and whining 24/7. Since there are 10
to 1 more of them...guess who NF listens to?

HHs are ridiculously overpowered.

I sank a Ticonderoga CV with my HHs on my Implacable CV the other day in a CV-only
battle. That's 25,000 DP.

  • Re : HH range reduction

    03. 06. 2011 17:35

Honestly it isn't the range that kills it. The large splash that it has and short fuse time
does. I would rec because HH is too OP, but I can't because this is fixing something that
isn't broken.

  • Re : HH range reduction

    03. 06. 2011 16:43

Sorry can't support this. Range really isn't that great. Further, one or two torps will
kill most DDs; they've got to have a ranged weapon. As far as using them against ships,
the long reload time makes them undesirable for use against surface ships. Rapid fire 5"
are way more effective.

  • Re : HH range reduction

    03. 06. 2011 16:01

Not recc. Overpowered guns againist overpowered vessels.

- KMSS4 main gun is torpedoes. Not that crazy minigun. If you want use guns... try BB.
- why not ?
- SS are one big exploit.
- no only more projectiles.
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