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  • HS is NOT Fixed

    03. 09. 2011 16:45

When hackshield was added, it brought along with it countless problems.

Everytime some one posts about problems with hackshield, some idiot has to march into the
thread and point to the hackshield solutions thread like it is a holy scripture.

Not every hackshield problem has been fixed. And I am starting to believe TNF does not
care and are just trying to sweep everything under the carpet.

What works for one person, does not always work for another. Some of the problems people
are having are so strange, it makes no sense at all. For example, every time I launch a
smoke bomb, I crash, Period, end of story, 100% of the time. so I stopped using smoke,
which I didn't pay for thankfully, its from the last event, but annoying that I can't use
something thats considered a premium feature. But explain which hackshield fix solves that?

None of them do, it has nothing to do with hackshield, but its only started since that
stupid program was added. I'm assuming that if all goes well, the Russians come out
tonight. I gave up on my Russian crew, because its so hard for me to play right now, Its
more useful to spend my time in my big ships then leveling crew, because 90% of the time I
crash out after a few minutes anyway. Kind of hard to level a crew when then get no EXP
most of the time. I was going to spend some money on NF, but now it seems pretty pointless
because the game simply does not work like it used to

So yes, for about 25% of the people in NF, their problems are fixed. If it was not for the
rushed server merge, we would all really notice the lack of players, but the server merge
really did a good job of hiding the problem.

Half the players left outright (I have a feeling tough many used hacks, so who cares)

But please, when a hackshield thread, like this pops up, pull your head out of your bottom
for a minute and assume that maybe, just maybe the person with the problem has gone
through all the tech support forum stuff, sent in support tickets, and sent in .rpt files
to TeamNF and still has a problem.

Just because something worked for you, does not mean it worked for everyone.

By the way, what are we going to do about all the "new" players coming to NF. What happens
when they find all these compatibility issues? Oh, they leave and don't come back. Can we
please, stop adding new stuff to keep the remaining few happy, and focus on fixing some of
the problems SDE created with Hackshield. I really do want to play again.

  • Re : HS is NOT Fixed

    03. 09. 2011 16:52

Not to detract from the fact that there are some players who can't play the game but at
least HackShield has meant that NO-ONE in the game can cheat anymore!!! Right?

I have gone through the annoyance of SDE not having a clue what is going on so I feel your
pain, hopefully it gets sorted soon...
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