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  • video games are balance

    04. 03. 2011 21:34

Video games are generally balanced, be it a clear definition of balance, or a fine line of

NF, has no balance-
cvs were once kings of the game, cvs used to play from the far ends of the map hunting
eachother down so bb's were easy game.
with the change of aa and fighter whores, there is no balance between the HUGE flock of
aaers with retardedly fast aa, not to mention the huge nerf on bomber aim. balance here is
tilted toward the bb group.

subs were added as a way to combat the trove of bb's, they just like cvs were nerfed due
to the huge outcry, balance was thrown out and huge imbalances such as hedge hogs were
added. scout depth charges would have been enough, but balance was shifted to the bb
player who removes aa, adds a aa escort (emden usually) and fits HH.

Cv vs Cv has turned into who can drag to get their fighters to shoot behind them, and the
fighter whores that use t4's on pcvs or cv6's. cvs have zero balance, the higher the level
the larger the gap between carriers are. cv1's and up to 3's have no chance against huge
carriers spamming lvl 120 t4 fighters. balance is non existant.


  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 10:42

You cry to much about stupid things Vdub. If you havent figured out how to be effective by
now you are hopeless.

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 08:15

Easy to say from the outside.

And yeah I'd agree there are problems with new releases. I'd also agree there are
weaker ships for each nation, but perhaps that makes the game more interesting?

In any case this has been discussed waaaaaaaay too much.

With relation to the other thread, how has this not gotten locked yet, considering the
failure to use the search function :|

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 07:49

NF isn't well balanced; New content constantly gets released in a horrible state; MN, RU,
Submarines. Then look at the KM BB3's; those need nerfs in a number of areas and a
number of other ships that need easy tweaks; H44, Vanguard etc...

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 07:38

Pretty impressive underhand editing there lj...

And the L2 thing was just a joke against people who do cry about it...

I'm also just commenting that imo NF is incredibly well balanced when compared to
other online games, and that people complain TOO much.

Talking at cross purposes ftw.

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 07:11

I guess that clearly isn't constructive. Obviously your initial post was.

"Do as I say not as I do"; Right?

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 06:50

Yup, very witty and also original.

Either respond sensibly or don't....

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 06:43

Just got to say, your name is apt.

Crying about the L2, and automatically assuming that I was talking about one single
account. On top of that, wading into game balance by saying most games are unbalanced...

Sure, there are some instances of unbalances, but MOST games actually try to balance
things. Competitive gameplay often outright bans/limits classes/items/weapons etc that is
overpowered. From games such as BFBC2, Eve, TF2 and even Pokemon.

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 06:23

Countless BO's? Wow. How'd you get past the 50 sailor limit? :P

In any case, most other video games aren't balanced, you just don't notice/complain
about it as much. Think about CS. Only weapons used are M4, CV47 and AWP.

Three weapons out of what, 20.

That would be like every single person on NF levelling to and using 1 ship, because it
dominated everything.

Oh wait. L2 :D

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 04:29

"lj unlike most ppl i dont play for exp, i have fun. i have two lvl 90 bo's and i often
play in lower level cvs... unlike you who only trolls the forums eh..."

I have countless 100+ BO's and I play for fun. I guess I find winning more fun than losing.

  • Re : video games are balance

    04. 04. 2011 03:59

lj unlike most ppl i dont play for exp, i have fun. i have two lvl 90 bo's and i often
play in lower level cvs... unlike you who only trolls the forums eh...
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