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  • Crew death increased few times

    05. 13. 2011 12:23

After the pach my crew death is so bigger that I start to lose more experts than I gain.
Also I just lost 3 veterans. Is this normal when my deck is 2.3? (graf zeppelin atm)
The mesage was something like "oficer was killed..." if this can help.
SO is this stealth pach or something go wrong?

  • Re : Crew death increased few times

    05. 13. 2011 12:33

The problem is not randomnes but 3 vets death. I have free time and grindet like animal to
get to Cv3 . Until pach I did +600games with 0 vets death. Now in 1 game I lost 3 :(

  • Re : Crew death increased few times

    05. 13. 2011 12:24

It's random.

2.3" deck on your GZ isn't doing squat for you. Run bulge or run nothing.
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