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  • [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 09:16

Results posted as they come in

1st:- Jedi
2nd:- Regalia
3rd:- PMW

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:18

You caught us! We orchestrated the whole thing to get revenge for losing London.

First, we created a dummy fleet war. Then we got TNF to donate credits. The. We set it up so we'd never face you
guys. Then, we decided to ban a ship you guys weren't using to really make you mad. Then we secretly pissed off
your teammate enough to make him leave the room. Then, we had a spy on your team say that he crashed even
though he didn't. Then, finally, in a real secret move, we forced you guys to stay untabbed and retreat so Lukas
could disqualify you even though he wasn't a ref in the room, I don't think.

Thanks for playing along. It took lots of planning, but it worked to perfection.

*ok, enough with the iPhone typing. I'm going to take a nap.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:16

soveriegn is TNF Member already when he run Fleet war event... he was best TNF for
me who run the FLeet events before

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:15


All AH is trying to achieve is for the organizers or referees to come forward and
assume their responsibility. Accept they made a unpredictible mistake.

I don't care about losing, I don't care about rewinding this. What I do care is if we
are gonna have people who are STILL incapable of saying they made a mistake and
are sorry for the misunderstanding, how can we trust such people to organize future

Is how I expect an organizer to behave atleast. This is not only about the events I
mentioned, it's about the manner this is still being handled. This tells me allot of how
the organizers are. To me the organizers of this event lost my trust.

We are humans, we can make mistakes. but one thing is acting all arrogant because
you feel like it another is accepting you made a mistake somewhere along the way.
You feel you didn't make a mistake.

I'll ask you this, if the referee's didn't make a mistake or the organizers didn't make a
mistake, then why are we protesting.

Every reaction has a reason, it looks to me that the organizers prefer to simple
asume we are bad, they are good and case closed.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:14

The events were a little bit more complex than that ... less irony and more objectivity.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:13

so this is all about a that our player didnt crash and he just left...

but not about regalia fleet changed their whole ship setup after seeing our setup? (yes
they did came in room and left to change their setup and took them 5 mins)

it's not about they change rules in mid of the "Tournament"?

i see so much hate here.... u guys are just afraid of us...

can not accept the jajaja fleet pwns u guys? huh

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:12

You do realise, this fleet league isn't run by Jedi, but by ONF and TNF?

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:12

Two FLs for one server.

I called it first.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:10

You realize Sovereign was and is a Jedi right....

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:06

So, a player left the room because he was upset with the way the event was being handled.

Despite previous comments, he didn't crash and he didn't leave the room accidentally. He left the room in anger or
frustration? (this is the final reason, yes?)

Then, he was not allowed re-entry (in accordance with the rules), the rest of AH either refused to tab or retreated
(both against the rules).

Golly, guys, this is one heck of a shaky argument. As much as I'd like to bash Lukas for being a tard. What refs made
those decisions? Galle and Monarch?

Pretty upstanding members of the community.
I don't want to defend Lukas because he's a fleetmate. I'd like to find a valid reason to bash him and I'm quite upset
there isn't one.

He has already apologized and stated it was his mistake for having to rule on the issue of SN CAs. And, obviously,
the only way Jedi won this was because a Jedi member organized it.

It's the only way we can win fleet events.

  • Re : [NEB] DD/CL/CA Fleet War Results

    05. 15. 2011 14:04

so... u telling us that jedi organizer is much better than like TNF-soveriegn Fleet war
event before?

such like an sarcasm eh!

okay then... all JEDI WIN... hurray... congratz anyway ^_^

i may buy popcorn sooner coz i run out of pop-corn

hey guys... anybody selling pop-corn?

guys AH stop it now =) enough! its done! u can't re-WIND it!!!
better luck next time AH ^_^ good game to all... its fun with this kind of event.. don't
take much serious... and Jedi please improve your rules now so we can follow it...

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