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  • a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 21:36

Heres what I kind of noticed, if you disagree your welcome to voice ur opinions, so long
as you don't end up flaming me.

As a player who has just hit a BB1 and I'm sure others who have hit their BB1s/BB2s have
realized, in blitz you can do your stuff, but your not invincible, while in a GB your
food. To put it justly your even more food than say a DD.

What I'm trying to suggest is maybe implement a battle mode that allows only BB1 drivers
to BB2 drivers, with a level limitation cap of whenever the lowest level BB1 starts and
right before BB3s start. This would allow BB1s and BB2s to actually have fun doing
something instead of being eaten the second they go into a GB. So by the time these BB1
and BB2 drivers hit their BB3s they can join GB again. However, for this kind of battle,
there shouldn't be the extra EXP gain that is possible with GB, the exp should be
identical to how exp is gained in blitz.

Comments, opinions? post it below ^^

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 22:44

BB1-2 is just fun killing. I enjoyed dominating blitz in my Mogami CA and then suddenly I
was like an FF again.... I don't really like the cap (I always have way higher gunners to
have a decent spread), but still, rec!

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 22:35

Of course it will benefit people. It will benefit all future BB1 and 2 players from simply
being leaches in the GBs. And instead provide them with a game mode that they can actually
play in and have fun in. Not just be food in the GBs, and not only that but have the other
BBs complain that your useless and shouldn't be taking up a BB spot that can be occupied
by a higher level BB.

This will be a major benefit for all BB1 and BB2 players.

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 22:31

Well the problem with lvl caps is that alot less people would be able to play it. Things
like this aren't likely to be put ingame if doesn't benefit a certain amount of people.
Also most others might just tell you to make a normal room. Normal rooms would work if
they had an autosplit function.

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 22:14

wouldn't it just be easier to implement a level cap, instead of an ability cap? plus it
would be really hard to define an ability cap.

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 22:04

well I never had to much problems taking on ships of equal class with high lvl crew when I
grinded up. I was a BB12(ijn USN KM) The only thing that set me back was spread. But i see
what your saying though. But high lvl BB123's doesn't make them BB456's. What they could
do is employ an ability cap on the room so 120 wont make a difference.

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 21:42

Blaze if theres no level capping, then someone can slap on level 120 gunners on a BB1 and
come and murder everybody.

There needs to be a level cap. Otherwise its just another GB.

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 21:41

i have a bb2 and i just hang back, hide behind the BB4,5,6 and just give either AA
support or if i am in range, some "distractions" it's easy for me to get a 12k but not
enough to gain xp :(((

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 21:41

I ok with shipcapping. But no lvl capping.

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 21:40

*not me* but sadly not everybody can afford those...

  • Re : a BB1 & BB2 battle mode?

    01. 26. 2009 21:38

get a PBB and high lvl gunners
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