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  • Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 03. 2009 16:59

This is getting beyond a joke. Check this video:

Flota Gallega are abusing the fleet penalty.

They are recruiting whole fleets (Flota Chile and Flota Argentina) to help them in harbour

Another fleet that helps them, PY Fleet, actually "attacked" them a few weeks ago. No
surprise that they never did anything to the harbour. They are also getting subservient
fleets to dummy attack other harbours; Flota Argentina.

Flota Gallega are AB'ing in Harbour Assault (with PY fleet, and getting other Latino
fleets to attack their harbour and withdraw their declaration), and abusing the fleet
penalty. What they are doing is clearly against the rules and spirit of harbour assault,
and are exploiting a feature of the game which hasn't been updated. They are preventing
other fleets that want to play harbour assault from playing.

FG and other fleets are also circumventing the HA rules in which you cannot attack the
same harbour twice in a row. They all just switch to another fleet and attack with that one.

Can you increase the fleet penalty next patch to 15 days (to prevent the fleet hopping to
another fleet to attack the same harbour) and give punishments to the fleet leaders involved?

I, and alot of other players, have had enough of this. It is time to act. Update the fleet
penalty, as the rules and HA frequency have changed.

  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 05. 2009 08:31

I don't see how you have any evidence for the PY fleet abing the HA.
They made it all the way to the harbor, with 15 mins left...
I doubt any fleet can take the harbor in 15 mins.

I agree to with having the alliance feature installed.

  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 05. 2009 03:29

First of all Lang, I hate the KKK. They are evil people and need to get with the times.
Second, I never said anything about Armada H that was negative. I have been
playing for 2 years and seen many hispanic/south american fleets on MO. And yes
they have done this before.

Third. If you EVER call me, imply, or gesture that I am racist again, CUGS and AH are
going to have a really bad relationship from this point on. I have many friends from
all over the world who love and care for me. And don't EVER bring something as
disgusting as the KKK into an arguement again. If you are wonder why someone
said a certain thing, ask me, don't run to a mod on the server and cry about "racists."

I am not one, my family has put money into stoping it, and I will to when I get the
oppurtunity. I am done with the dogma, bias, and lack of communication in this
forum. I am tired of the fighting and I am tired of the race card.

Last comment on this page: It doesn't matter what color your skin, size of your jaw,
lips, head, etc. We are all human. Its time people grow up, start looking at the other
>human< beside you and stop this violatile and destructive trend that has been
going; better yet plaguing the hunam race for thousands of years.

Good day to everyone.

  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 05. 2009 01:00

>I would suggest having the penalty rise each time you leave fleet.

I think that's quite a good idea.

Let's say the lowest your penalty days can get is 3. Every time you join or leave a fleet,
the number of penalty days increases by 2. Then, every 2 months (or every 9
maintenances/server downs), everyone's number decreases by 1. This basically allows people
to switch fleets every 2 months without being penalized.

So if you join a fleet but hate it (or just did it for HA), you have a 7-day penalty
period that'll only go down if you stick to a single fleet. This would also punish people
who can't stay put in 1 fleet and keep moving around every few weeks. It addresses more
than just the issue.

  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 04. 2009 22:37


  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 04. 2009 22:11

hmm recced. I would suggest having the penalty rise each time you leave fleet. So
say you leave one fleet to join another for good you get the 4 day penalty. But if you
join leave and wait the 4 days then join for ha then leave again add another 4 days
to the penalty and so on. So say i leave Bap to join FG i get 4 the 4 day penalty.
Then I leave FG to go back to bap after ha is over i got wait 8 days then when i
leave bap to join ARA i have to wait 12 days and so forth. Hopefully you get what I
amtrying to say. maybe one of the more eloquent speakers here can type it out

  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 04. 2009 15:47

>Long ago, Jedi helped AE during a HA. Jedi sent a total of 3 PLAYERS. This was a
>one time deal. It wasnt even a Jedi call, it was just a couple of players who once
>were in AE just wanting to help out an old fleet. So dont try to compare whats
>going on now to what happened then.

I distinctly remember a time (sometime between July and October 07) when Jedi had a room
open in A14 to recruit anyone who wanted Jedi to keep Tokyo. All I remember is that
several people I saw in that room all of a sudden had Jedi tags, the host (who had been in
Jedi for a long time and still is now, the name's not important but if you want to know
you can PM me) urging everyone to get in quickly, the threat was that the attacking fleet
(NATO?) had far superior numbers online, and the only reason why I didn't join Jedi then
was because my fleet leader was inactive and it would have been difficult to get my
account back into my fleet (Phoenix).

I'm not flaming or inculpating anyone here. The 7-day penalty was introduced because of
fleet-hopping for HA. When they took it away, fleet-hopping became a problem again. If
anything, it was more endemic then than it is now.

Quite simply, if the penalty time is any shorter than the time between HAs,

@NosceTeIpsum and all of Cugs: Having an "initiation fleet" is not the greatest of ideas.
It takes your "teachers" away from your main fleet, thereby weakening your fleet war
and/or HA power; it lengthens the process of actually getting into the fleet; it makes new
recruits prone to leaving for different fleets out of disappointment; and it creates a
barrier between new members and veteran members, which gives rise to undue feelings of

  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 04. 2009 13:45


  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 04. 2009 13:32

Agree and recced.

  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 04. 2009 13:12


  • Re : Increase the Penalty for leaving a fleet

    08. 04. 2009 10:33

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