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U.S Navy


  • US CV1 costs sooooooooo much money!

    04. 29. 2011 17:04

i have a problem,well a BIG problem

im a lvl 50 and SUPPOSED to be in a bouge(which im happy about)
but i only have like 400k-600k <-----problem!

i want to get the money without playing too many games so ill still be able to use
it.... i need help!

  • Re : US CV1 costs sooooooooo much money!

    04. 30. 2011 01:19

I always found any type of torp attack lowers cred/point gain - so I hope you're playing
with just guns :)

  • Re : US CV1 costs sooooooooo much money!

    04. 29. 2011 21:41

You'll 8 pilots. If you don't have them now, start a second line and level those guys up.
You'll earn credits at the same time.

  • Re : US CV1 costs sooooooooo much money!

    04. 29. 2011 20:33

I rolled and sold neutral sailors to buy my first CVs. Its much easier now with the trade
system. Just undercut everyone else by abit and you will sell them quickly.

  • Re : US CV1 costs sooooooooo much money!

    04. 29. 2011 20:28

all cvs are expensive this is the downside you should have plan at the start, like looking
in the ship tree in
trainworld, their price is posted their
but once you get a cv your hard work will be repay... cv is a money maker :D
stay at ca or go atlanta and aa at gb2

  • Re : US CV1 costs sooooooooo much money!

    04. 29. 2011 19:22

good thing you didnt go km cv then.

stay in the ca for a few more levels and aa in gbs.

  • Re : US CV1 costs sooooooooo much money!

    04. 29. 2011 17:17

run an AA ship for creds if you can, or ask fleet mates for a loan if your in one. CVs earn
creds fast so you'd make em back quick. Only other thing you could do is ask for some
charity from high lvl players, you'd be surprised how many are willing to lend a helping hand
for beginning players. Cheers, good luck!
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