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  • 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 02:20

There has been debate recently concerning the efficacy of 1 v 1 Battles and it was
agreed that definitive guidance was now required. The policy for 1v1 Battles is as

1. Players can engage in 1 v 1 Battles through their own arrangements and TeamNF
will not intervene unless the rooms are likely to block the creation of other larger
rooms in the main battle area for the particular server. To further define this, if it is
considered possible that the main battle area will become full whilst a 1 v 1 battle is
in progress then the players should not establish a 1 v 1 room. Initially, I (note the
I) intend to set this as at least 4 tiles are requried to be free in order to establish a
1 v 1 room. If that proves inappropriate in practice then I will gladly review it.

2. 1 v 1 rooms are to be conducted in the main battle area or a fleet training area if
the potential for crew kills wishes to be avoided. They are not to be conducted in
any overflow or secondary battle area.

3. If players clearly ignore the above guidance then TeamNF reserves the right to
close down the room either by dismissing the room (even if the battle has
commenced) or by disconnecting the players involved.

4. Wagers. If players wish to place wagers on the outcome of 1 v1 Battles then
they can, but do so entirely at their own risk. SDE/TeamNF will not attempt to
arbitrate the results of 1 v 1 battles, nor will we get involved in disputes about
amounts agreed and/or payment, nor will we attempt to enforce player to player


1. This is a game policy that is the same for both servers.
2. An actual game mode was considered for something like this previously but was
ruled out for various reasons.
3. Any dispute between players on 1 v 1 Battles are to be resolved between the
players concerned and are not to be the subject of flaming/derogatory/whinge
threads or posts on these forums. Any posts or threads considered to be
contravening this direction can be removed without notice or notification to the
person making the post.


  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 18:03

splid - whether the area became full with games or not I don't know, but I think it is not
very relevant.

Let's say it didn't happen -
It is still better to make guidelines before as opposed to after an event happens.

We only need an event to occur for the areas to fill up :\ Might as well put the guideline
out now.

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 15:45

My only comment on this thread.

About 2 weeks ago you claimed to have only lost one game since returning. Later in the
same day you claimed to have lost double the games that you are claiming to have lost now.

Hence one reason anything you say or do here or ingame is criticised, as well as your
below positive reputation.

<Back to pop corn!>

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 14:35

Thanks, we all needed a good laugh.

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 14:29

Since we are on the subject, anyone up for some 1v1s this week (evening UK time),
maybe we can film me get rich quick :D

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 14:23

"It isn't like Area 12 or 7 are being held hostage by serial 1v1ers every day."

If I were to say that, I'd hope that people would know the comment was drowning in sarcasm.

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 13:36

This thread delivers. And you're right, I'm actually really awful in a BB. Difference is,
I can admit it.

I mean that's why you give me the south/north advantage when you're in a ship with less
range and higher gun angle to begin with. That's also why you did nothing but run away,
and I even rushed headlong at you like a complete retard and you still couldn't win.

I mean that's why you said no mines in the beginning and the first thing to hit me is a
mine from your scout.

Yea. I'm terrible alright, but if I'm that bad? What does that make you?

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 13:03

Enough on the dispute of any 1v1 thank you - as per the original thread that is not for
these forums.

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 12:45

Firstly, I would love some ONF refs, however something tells me it is an idea these
BS braggers will back down from ^^

Secondly, I have never lost to either Girth or Unholy, seriously you seen these guys
play BB xD

Third, No drax has never used my account, he is someone I met (On Game Only)
when I began the game, so for a bit I just joined the same fleets as him, other than
when I joined RS. For a bit he was in BlackSun, and is now in AA, 2 fleets that hate
me almost as much as the old PP did :), hence why we dont speak :)

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 12:39

The game with Unholy did not desync and the game with Girth wasn't even you after like the
2nd attempt to beat him. I'm sure it was your buddy Drax.

  • Re : 1v1 Battles

    05. 03. 2011 12:31

If anyone wants the ONF Event Team to referee games, we are more than willing.
However, you refuse to pay a credit bet, you will no longer be welcome on ONF Events.
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