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  • what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 07:53

These reload hacks are really a funny thing. Since Hackshields protection seems to be not
worth mentioning, what is the purpose of a program that does nothing? Or is it the drain
on everyone's computer resources? Could anyone help me out?

Btw. the excuse for the recent lock is really pathetic, it should have read: We pushed the
customer base to its limits to implement a completely useless program. It's disgraceful
and, frankly speaking, stupid, but we can't say that so we will cover it up by censoring it.

My advice: Stop doing stupid things.

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 10:24

As it stands HS is entirely dispensable.
Without HS there are hackers.
With HS there are still hackers and certain side effects for the whole playerbase, which
may result in not being able to play the game at all.

If hackers were an illness, lets say a headache, $Doctor just prescribed you a remedy that
wont help against the headache but give you diarrhea on top of it. Thanks a lot.

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 09:50

Remove the control terminal via command prompt.

Alt tab is considered hacking.

Made my friends ragequit because of the crashing ability.

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 09:45

At the moment, it is my belief that Hackshield causes more grief, inconvenience and
problems to the playerbase, than the actual hackers themselves.

The hackers may be a nuisance in certain cases. But it hasn't stopped players from
playing and enjoying the game. Yet when Hackshield came along, many stopped
playing by choice, or simply couldn't play anymore. While those who still play are
bogged by crashes and lags.

All the inconvenience, to supposedly prevent a problem that was never really a
problem for the majority of people to begin with. And now, if it turns out that the
magic cure really does nothing to stop the smarter hackers, it's just the icing on the
whole debacle cake.

This Hackshield has caused me more grief in the few months since introduction, than
hackers ever did throughout my 5 years of playing Navyfield.

I would rather have a hacker sink me with 10 salvos in 1 second than having to
make multiple attempts just to start up the bloody game each day.

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 09:33

Its not censorship of cheats or people cheating, its also not hiding what is going on...
it's just guiding to the best channel for those issues to be resolved. Making an official
accusation through Support Tickets is far more effective than posting in the forums.

We know there are people that cheat, more information about that is of no use... what
helps is to send a support ticket

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 09:09

Unfortunately, the Hack Shield is completely usseles, was not updated anymore and
allowed to operate a light version.
Unfortunately also the moderators of TNF, try to hidden any issue concerning the
use of cheats in this forum, deleted the links that show the use of cheats or close
the post dealing with the issue, unknowingly incurred in an act of fraud against the
players who get paid to play a clean game.
TNF and $DE, do their job properly, not censor honest players who make complaints,
punish the cheaters properly and put a really operational anticheat.
Please stop defraud!!!!!

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 09:07

what does it do?

1. it stops the players who arent cheating, from playing nf
2. it annoys the shit out of non cheating players

3. it allows cheaters to do what they did all the time.


in short:
Korean Crap

(i dont want to offend anyone)

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 08:40

Made me ending process navyfield.exe cause of blackscreen a few times before finaly run
the game.

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 08:17

Stops my 2-year streak of playing NavyField windowed.

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 08:14

Simple answer: Nothing. /s =.=

  • Re : what does Hackshield actually do?

    06. 09. 2011 08:09

Hackshield: Making NF crash on first start, as well as preventing some NF fixer versions
from functioning.
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