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  • what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 30. 2007 02:19

Dont now what to bye
have enough for them both

pls give me an advice

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 31. 2007 13:06

Or you can put on a few 11'' and outrange most CA's and have fun with BB's.

When you get the option to go K-berg or Emden you won't have acces to the long range guns
to outrange other CL's..... yet.

But, my advice is: Don't go Emden, if you got a set of AA-gunners you'll loose a lot on
your regular gunners in regards to your BO. But if you use some of the smaller normal guns
with your normal gunners and feed'em AA-shells and HE, you could do okay.

That is actually the way I operate the Emden, using not AA-guns but regular guns with
AA-shells.... But then again, my normal gunners are level 68 and gives me a nice reload.

Go Koenigsberg....


  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 31. 2007 13:01

Kberg outranges every CL and probably some CAs. If you want to be picky, it can outrange
the M-Project due to it's thinness.

Every CL is your typical food.

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 31. 2007 10:34

Emden: it is almost a two way mine...
first it blows your economy... but it can be repaired if your AA gunners and yourself are
really good at AA.
Kberg: a one hit, one fate mine:
either you make it good, or you don't...
If you can use it/have the gunners, sure you will probably do fine... if not, you got a
problem... and the only way to progress is by choosing emden or the good old z99.
but keep in mind that the Kberg is superior in ship-ship combat, while Emden is superior
in ship-Aircraft... although you may use it to blow poor DD1 out of the water...
choose wisely... your style will tell you... as for the average person who reaches this
stage... it can prove fatal as there is much money on stake(as we are talking the average.

i prefer Kberg... sure i like AA whoring in Emden too... it is really effective... and the
speed serves it to be able to protect BB's, CV's and some CA... Emden sure deserved the
speed boost... if it is bad now... it was Intolerable before!

as mentioned... your style will guide your choice...
Kberg: heavy fighting, no AA
Emden: defence only even then is it weak, Incredible AA

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 31. 2007 09:01

Well, that goes to say that any ship in the wrong hands is going to be suxxors and
any ship in the right hands is going to rock your world. Honestly, if you play the
Kberg as a CL1, not a DD3 rusher, and range the Atlanta/Oakland/Juneau II, Agano,
and Dido/Sirius, you'll pummel every CL1 and DDs 1 - 3 in the game. Watch your face
against higher CL's, such as the MPro and the Brooklyn, both of which are going to
overpower and out range the Kberg.
The ships you should be facing alone or supported by escorting DDs and other CL1's:
The USN DD Line: Fletcher, Gearing, Somers, DDX
The USN CL1s: Atlanta, Juneau II, Oakland
The KM DD Line: Z1, Z31, Z46, Z52, Spaehkreuzer (D38), Z99
The KM CL1(s): Other Kbergs, Spaehkreuzer (D40)
The IJN DD Line(s). Kagero, Akisuki, Akisuki-Kai, Tsukikei (Note: Do /not/ face off
against IJN TW DDs/CLs. You've no bulge to fend off a good/decent TW)
The IJN CL1: Agano
The RN DD Line: O Class, Q Class, L Class
The RN CL1(s): Dido, Sirius

The ships you should stick close to in GB2:
Allied CAs, such as Pensacola, Baltimore, Mogami '41, ect.
Allied BCs and BB Tier 1's, such as Alaska, Revenge, Kongo, ect.
Your role with the CAs is to push back enemy CAs and CLs to keep Allied CA's range
slightly longer than the enemies' range. /Warning/ You become the focal point of
fire - Know when to retreat and let the front like take it's own pummeling
Your role with BCs and BB1's is to swat at enemy DDs. You fire at rushers and strays
attempting to close in and pound on the Allied BB's soft defense via their exposed
belt armor. BB's will love you in small GB2's (24 ~ 36 people) for this, as long as your
accurate enough to keep 2 ~ 4 DDs away.

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 31. 2007 05:49

Emden is a notoriously good AA whore, K-berg is just a good KM ship, however since
most newbies load their KM CLs are if they were a Z99 we seen hordes of rushing
and torping KM CLs.

Both ships are bad if you don't know how to use them.

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 31. 2007 01:32

Full Displacement I move at 36 knots cruise with Emden. 36 knots BASE is not Heavy
Cruiser Speed.

Koeingsberg actually has more than 1000 extra displacement. The base weight of the Emden
is absolutely huge.

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 31. 2007 00:13

Let's break this down so you can read the facts side by side.

Koenigsberg (Kberg)
DP: 8400
Displacement: 8137
FCS: 63
Engines: 113
Main Arm. Slot Space: 122
Req. Lv.: 30

DP: 8000
Displacement: 7102
FCS: 63
Engines: 77
Main Arm. Slot Space: 54
Req. Lv.: 28

There's a 2 level diffrence between the ships, but a world apart from them in fighting
power. Let's look at the main stats listed.
DP - 400 diffrence, not really going to affect anything, especially if a BB hits you
Displacement - The Kberg gets about 1000 more displacement for just that little
umpf you're going to need in your bulge to survive in
Engines: Here's where the Emden fails. It's ridiculously slow, even after the speed
buff, from what I can tell, you'll still be moving at a Heavy Cruiser speed at best
when at full displacement
Main Arm. Slot Space: A huge, glaring flaw in the Emden, and the reason it's only an
AA ship. It can't mount even CL Teir 1 guns, only DD class fire arms. The Kberg can
mount up all the way to the Trips.

Clearly, the Kberg has a huge gap in fighting ability over the Emden. Unless you're
going to AA for ships in GB2/AWs, steer clear of the Emden. Far, far clear of it.

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 30. 2007 04:29

i would suggest k berg but have ur fun in z99 1st...

kberg is a boat killer and emden is AA whore..

kberg mpro then PE..skip the hip

  • Re : what to choose EMDEN or Koenigsberg

    01. 30. 2007 02:57

Emden = Anti-Air.

Koiengsberg = Anti-Crusier.

Don't bother with Kberg until level 35 at least.

Don't bother with Emden until you have level 30 AA gunners.
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