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  • Adalbert's guides on ability

    07. 06. 2007 15:41

As all my "formula-posts" have been recently bumped, I was approached to put
them all into one post so it could be stikied... here it is.

These guides contain advanced information. If you are just starting to play the
game please go ahead and read Obst's guides on That
webpage gives you all the information you need to start with. If you have done that
are still curious about some details, go read ahead.

Since it has quite some information, I divided it into several parts, that are posted as
replies by myself.

0) Ability - how they are calculated / base stats
1) BO's Potential - guideline length / marking distance
2) Accuracy - where's the cap, how is it calculated
3) Reload - where's the cap
4) Torpedo - reload cap
5) AAW - chance of shooting down planes at horizontal and vertical distances with
auto fire
6) Repair - Repairrate and Burnrate
7) Restore - SD
8) Engine
. A - General
. B - Overheat time
. C - Base speed
. D - natural overheat speed
. E - overheat speed with crew
9) Aircraft - not yet posted
10) Fighter - not yet posted
11) Bomber - not yet posted
12) Special Sailors
. A - Sonarmen

If you have questions or remarks to any of those posts - please send a PM to me.
Also if you think that you have found a mistake, please contact me directly as it most
probably will just be a misunderstanding and I don't want an obsolete discussion in
this post as it just blows it up and might scare ppl away.
I have not included all "proof" in this post - if you are looking for some numbers how
I came up with the formulas, feel free to look for my old posts from between 2005
and now,
and you will find more information in there.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    09. 18. 2010 10:25

4) Torpedo

The reload time of Torpedos is only determined by true torpedo ability of the Torpedo man
firing the torps. It is capped at 50% of the published base reload and you reach it with
all torp-launchers of any nation at around 850k true torpedo ability - so pretty early.
A bve IJN Torper with +10 base growth reaches it at lvl51.

I get that is it is around 850k true ability (torpedo)

What does capped at 50% of the published base reload mean?

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    09. 04. 2010 16:07

I wonder if now we will get to see the pilots' sections. That would be nice.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    08. 29. 2010 23:55

thank you for this very usefull guide sir. (Recommended!)

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    08. 26. 2010 16:39

Wow, this is great!! It must have taken you forever to put this together. But i have a
question about SD: Is there a place where i can see how much SD i have? And how
do i "just calculate SD for every single sailor aboard and add them up."?


  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    08. 26. 2010 13:18

Fighter part now needs to be updated.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    07. 12. 2010 05:35

some image links are lost.

Nice article.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    06. 30. 2010 19:48

no offense or anything but. what? how do you have the time to come up with this
stuff but its really impressive thumbs up reccomending it

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    06. 30. 2010 12:11

@tipsypo: There is no cap on experts. For your example: On a sailor with a crew of 200
the best possible mix of veterans/experts/recruits would be 80/120/0.

@xxWladimir: I found your your proposal interesting and calculated it with a lvl 100 km
12/9/9 km engineer, boosted with 100 vets / rest experts. At lvl 100 you would need 5
late classed engineers to reach the same overheat speed as 4 normal classed
engineers would. But 4 normal classed
engineers + 1 repairer will have a way better repairrate than 5 late classed.
Bottomline: Don't late class them!

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    06. 27. 2010 14:30

Appreciate the reply. Seems I've probrably wasted some experts then. Also with the
maximum being based upon the total sailor count you mean the total number
allowed? As in not based upon the number in recruits, experts and veterans you
actually have? But the number available?

So say an sailors maximum sailors is at 200 but I've only got the number in recruits
at 70, with 30 experts and 0 veterans then the maximum veterans allowed would be
80 rather than 40?

Also whats the cap in experts?

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    06. 27. 2010 12:21

"I searched in vain to discover an answer to the question I am about to ask and
decided to post this in here. Is there an maximum number in veterans and experts
that an sailor can get? As I seem to remember with an older crew (started practically
again at scratch with crews an bit ago) that on getting into the 90's that it became
very very hard to get any veterans? "

Yes it is max 40% of the total sailor count.
So for every 100 sailors you have on any paticular sailor you can have 40 of them
So a sailor that reaches a total sailor count of 900 @ lets say Level 100 he could
have the possibility of having 360 of those sailors as Vets MAX.

No one knows the Formulas that SDE uses to determine Expert to Vet increase.
We do know though that the higher % of Vets on a sailor it APPEARS to get more
difficult to roll them easily.
Most fresh sailors are easy to add vets with the conversion system usually up to 50
Vets without and failures. After 50 Vets, in the normal conversion rolling, the rate
of failure seem to increase (except when events are going on like now) to get Vets
without any wasted rolls.

Again no one has the EXACT formulas and or determining factors for these
conversion rates. This information is posted here based on many years of rolling
sailors and Expert to Vets conversions with and without Events.
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