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  • BB guide for beginners

    01. 31. 2008 23:48

A basic guide for new BB drivers or those who need some help with the
strange world of capital gunships.

Must haves for BB drivers (and CA) in a Great Battle and beyond:
-> Rookie Pilot
> (lvl 25+ special forces sailor) on the support slots of your ship
> only rookie pilots can fly a scout so dont turn them into a

-> Scouts (as many as possible)
> You can only avoid or shoot things things you
can see

-> L guns, with at least 2 binds LIGHT HE and 1 bind AP
> range is everything

-> Manual FCS
> yes learning this is hard but the spread is A LOT better and you will
get used to it eventually.
It is hard the first days but once you learned it you will be a better
player, dont change back to auto it will only make the learning
process longer.

Things that DO NOT belong on a BB and why:
-> Torps
> Your goal is to stay at range and most torps dont have any
(ijn torps do but thats another story)
> The space for torps on a BB is 0, so you can only put 1 charge of
torps in the lauchner, thats 1 shot after wich your torp
launchers are useless.

-> huge amounts of belt armour
> The only ships that might get close are DD`s, they will try to torp first
and should die quite fast due to your superior firepower
> only put 0,2-0,4" belt armour on your ship for crew (just a rumor,
but it might help afterall) and torp protection

-> D guns and heavy shells
> range is everything, if you cant get in range you cant hit anything,
but you will get hit by any ships that has more range than you while
you try to get into range to shoot.
> yes there are few D guns that can be used but since this
is a beginner guide just stick with this general rule

Things that can be usefull for your BB
-> AA guns
> general rule for all KM BB`s,
put the Lv 30 3.46" AA on your ship and learn to use it
> for the other nations its not that easy
AA is always usefull, more for some nations than for others,
check your nation guides in the forum to learn more about
what ship can and should use AA.

-> Armour
> Bulge, anti torp armour
You need to find a balance between speed and protection.
Bulge is usefull, but avoiding a torpedo hit is obviously better.
> Deck
Most hits that will land on your ship will hit the deck so thats
the place you want to put armor on, but not many ships can fit
enough armor to give enough protection against BB shells.
Again the guides on the nations forum will tell you wich ships
can be armoured.
> Belt
It only helps against ships that are close, so its mostly if not
completly useless when you are fighting CAs/BBs

And now some simple tactics you should remember and follow while playing a
Great Battle with your BB/CA.

- scout as much as possible, you can only shoot what you see

- never drive into dark unscouted parts of the map, you dont know wich
giant ship, that might 1 shot you, is hidden there

- keep clear of other capital ships, they need space to maneuver

- dont rush into the middle after the start, you will either die to torp walls
or 1 shot from any high level battleships in the game

- ships on wich your shells deal 0 dmg are most likely armoured,
to confirm that watch your attack score closeley, if you only get a little
attack or non at all change to AP ammunition

- 2 golden bars or more next to the players name indicate he has quite
a high lever already.
Even if you dont know exactly what ship he is driving expect it to be
tougher, harder hitting and equipped with guns that have a lot more
range than yours.
DONT fight those players alone in your lower BB you will most likely die,
wait for support from your CV or the higher battleships around you.

- if you can`t spot your shells at max range yet, try to shoot south in the
start to get some indicator dots of your max range

- never shoot when ships are crossing you, if you have to cross another
ship write so in the teamchat but try to avoid corssing other ships if

- try to avoid driving in a second line parallel to the main battle line,
you will block the escape routes of the fighting ships. Try to enter the
main battle line, if you are not strong enough to do so give the fighting
ships enough space to maneuver

- if you are to weak to fight in the main battle line try to give flak support
to the main line, but keep enough space so those ships can maneuver

- protect the high lvl carrier vessels of you team at all costs, even if you
have to sacrifice yourself to do so, a living high level CV is far more
powerfull and important than a ca/bb1

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 02. 2008 21:28

This is a good guide, it has some useful bits and pieces. When I first was in my BB1
[Renown], there was a bit of information that I needed to know which isn't on here
(and it was something I was unable to find). What is the low level BB1's goal or
purpose in GB's? I remember wanting to do something, but fighting in the line or
trying to get in range was just asking for a one shot.

Later, when I went back and played as a BB1 with my lvl 80 gunners and about six
engy's I was leveling up - hence why I was back in a BB1 - I found my role was best
as a quick hit and retreat ship. It was nice with the overheat time, but this is all well
and good for a fresh new BB1 driver who doesn't have this kinda crew and is still
trying to figure out what he's supposed to do. I have no good advice on this since I
remember those days as being a really frustrating period of trying to learn on the fly.

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 02. 2008 19:04

The bubble theory would work best with a graphic.

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 02. 2008 11:33

Nice copy and paste one.

Original is from NFEU, maybe thats why the spelling is not perfect, cause it was a non
native english speaking player who wrote it.

But after transfers it might be good that you get it, saw some players on NFEU that came
over and hmmm ...

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 02. 2008 08:39

nice bubble theory
Like it :)

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 02. 2008 01:36

very good. As a New BB player I found I knew almost all of this, but was still very
good recap. There should be smaller guides broken down into each nation for
indivual BB1's strengths and weaknesses. The Best Advice I have seen on the board
and what I quite often go by is that BB1 are still mostly support for larger BB's.

In my scharnhorst I find I have the most successful games when i spend most of my
time on AA since I often make up most of a battlelines AA quite often with my 3.46's.
Acting as support for a H39 or Montana etc. while taking shots at secondairy
enemies that may try to pounce the larger BB (alaska, nevada, smaller CA's or DD's)

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 01. 2008 23:41

nice lecture

educate the newbies and we can be better quality food

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 01. 2008 23:40

good read some spelling issues but everything is great^^


  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 01. 2008 23:29

SecretSquirl = Marks Mark II, without a doubt.

The way I explain BB gameplay is this:
Draw a circle around your ship with your max range; this is your "bubble". Now remember
that every BB driver has a bubble. If an enemy ship breaks into your bubble, you can and
will shoot them. And the same thing vice versa. Bubbles can overlap, so if you break more
than one bubble at once you can receive a serious pounding.

Think of the enemy overlapping bubbles as padding that you shouldn't go past. But that
isn't everything. The size of your bubble depends on your vision. Scouting increases your
vision; AA decreases enemy vision.
From this, you can quickly conclude that:
-you need more range to stay out of enemy bubbles
-torps put you in everyone's bubble so are out of the question
-scouting increases your chance of winning
-AA increases your chance of winning
-there is a distinct battle line, a no-man's-land, and a space behind the lines

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 01. 2008 17:19

This will be interesting :D

  • Re : BB guide for beginners

    02. 01. 2008 16:16

Great guide, I will definitely look at this when I get my first BB.

Nice work.
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