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  • Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 29. 2005 20:02

Customizable Ships (colors, visual sets) - Won't happen
Mix of Auto/Manual FCS (click to turn guidelines, keys for angles) - Won't happen
Random Torpedo Movement/Duds - Won't happen
Harbor Assault (aka Island Defense/Attack) - In the works, expected in ~2 month's time.
OpConvoy Fix - In the works, no ETA
Kamikaze Planes - Won't happen
Submarine/U-boats - Being worked on.

These are the ones I got definite answers on, for the rest:

General Rule: No new features at this point, bug fixing first!

Edit by babs:
Damagable sub-systems - teamNF anounced earlier this year that they liked it but
that it
was too hard given the architecture to implement.

Edit by TimmyC:
Made change to "Submarine/U-boats".

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    06. 14. 2008 16:54


  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    06. 14. 2008 16:41

try submarines very good we hope for it

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    06. 13. 2008 08:23

is that the submarine has release???

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    06. 11. 2008 23:04

Ijn dont have any good pilots, so maybe them really need kamikazes

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    06. 08. 2008 12:40

THere is no way they will add submarines even though it would be a good idea.But a
quick question.Are they even thinking about adding major battles from world war 2?
Pacific?Atlantic?To name a few.
D-day(of course)
Iwo Jima
North Africa
Coral Sea
Not really a few but you get the point.We need more battles.
Ships I believe they should add.
LCIR(Landing Craft Infantry Rocket)
DD Shermans(Duplex Drive)Tank that moves through water
PT Boats
Just some suggestions.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    05. 25. 2008 15:17

me thinks this post needs to be updated from time to time.

other stuff that should be added would include:
pt boats
medium/heavy bombers

(yup, two other suggestions which are bad ideas waiting to happen)

as much as i find it to be another convenient excuse to scupper up an extra point or
two, it does get tiring to see the same suggestions over and over again. at least
with this thread updated at the top of the list, there would be yet another reason
why a previously suggested idea need not be brought back from the dead.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    05. 25. 2008 07:26

"I do have a new suggestions tho: we already have controls setup to aim fore and
independently, is it possible to expand that a little so that we can fire only guns that
are selected? For example: There's a guy in front of me, so I select my bow guns
only, aim
them and fire just them at the target? My aft guns don't fire unless I select them, or
select all guns. This'd save on ammo, and help reduce Friendly Fire as well as being a
little easier to control. "

Lol? Isnt that the same thing?

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    05. 25. 2008 04:35

Kamakazi planes: bad idea. They'd take up too much space to be worth lugging into battle,
and have too little return to be effective.

I do have a new suggestions tho: we already have controls setup to aim fore and aft
independently, is it possible to expand that a little so that we can fire only guns that
are selected? For example: There's a guy in front of me, so I select my bow guns only, aim
them and fire just them at the target? My aft guns don't fire unless I select them, or
select all guns. This'd save on ammo, and help reduce Friendly Fire as well as being a
little easier to control.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    05. 20. 2008 15:42

bring subs to test server in the states so we can try them out to

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    05. 12. 2008 03:24

i just have a question.
i see that this topic was posted in 2005. and that there is HA.
Now there is no harbour assault.
Will HA be returned to NF or is it gone for good?
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