HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • Money, BB

    07. 08. 2011 17:14

Got my first BB(Renown, arg....) and noted that i loose money on blitz rooms when playing many matches.  Considering the W/L ratio is 1. 

Is that correct? Should i play GB rooms? Should i ditch BB and get CV or SS?


  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 08. 2011 17:55

Win ratio is shown if you type

/who NoveRei

Else, stick in blitz. In GB bb456 will just nuke you, before you can actually do something.

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 08. 2011 17:56

Learn to AA and go AAing to earn credits.
Play CV to earn credits.
Be a beggar and ask for credits.

Also, since TNFMods get free credits every month, ask one for some free credits. ;)

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 08. 2011 18:26

Originally Posted by heatrr

Be a beggar and ask for credits.
Also, since TNFMods get free credits every month, ask one for some free credits. ;)

lol i like this one :D,

at topic, stay at blitz, it give more credit than gb2 and try to avoid being sunk, you just experience the repair cost of a bb

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 08. 2011 22:18

Well then, as i cant sustain a BB and need to XP my crew, i fitted 2x18pol on my york and pretend to be a BB1. Perhaps remodel york.

Even managed to scare a montana.

Thanks NF.

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 09. 2011 02:16

Originally Posted by NovoRei
Well then, as i cant sustain a BB and need to XP my crew, i fitted 2x18pol on my york and pretend to be a BB1. Perhaps remodel york.

Even managed to scare a montana.

Thanks NF.

Lucky you or probably the montana is in need of repair or he is blind from your team bb and no time to change target to you ^^

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 09. 2011 20:55

roll for a good neutral or 2 and lvl to 12, then sell

profit ?

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 10. 2011 17:47

begging isn't such a bad was part of the guide(back then..dunno know now though)
but only for a certain amount so that you can get your needed ship(CL/CA/BB whatever the case)...lots of generous players back then(2-3years back) some dude gave me 2mil credits and points....

credit earning as mentioned by others are neut selling and AA'ing..

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 11. 2011 20:28

On related subject.

Got a tree reset. Should i change to UK CV line, make money, lv up neutrals to become operators, and with money buy the crew?

I see a hard time with renown/surrey until Nelson as my crew is normal and spread is horrible even with manual, and i hate manual. Plus Im not premium.

Similar problem arise with AA ships. No rld gunners.

On unrelated subject:

In a GB2 match my team was trucidated, only the flagships were alive, finalized 1 sub, sunk and won the match.

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 11. 2011 21:16

its better to stay on bb for awhile, if you want to reset to cv,
make sure you got all you need (4fp/4bombers for balance,8fp for fw,8bombers for bw, or 6fp/2bomber (6bomber/2fp) )
and make sure you won't regret it (uk db hit like marshmallow lol, fp is not that good)

  • Re : Money, BB

    07. 26. 2011 12:43

if you want to make a RN cv then get 6 tb and 2 fp... fp is there mainly so people wont call you a tbw and so other fps will shoot them instead of your tbs

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