HA Infomation

Marine Nationale


  • MN Gunners

    09. 04. 2012 01:47


Do MN benefit from acc elite gunners at all? Or are the rld elite gunners better? Also, I heard that someone said to use elite reps as gunners as the acc and rld caps really fast. Which one in your opinion is better?


  • Re : MN Gunners

    09. 04. 2012 04:04


It depends on what your focus is for your gunners.
If you have end game in mind ( lvl 90+), the weight you can reduce a gunner by and repair rate a gunner provides is the only thing that is different between various gunner setups. Accuracy and reload are the same for all, they have long since capped.
Elite reload you can make the lightest, the elite repair gunner gives the best repair rate while being the heaviest gunner ( but only slightly heavier than the elite reload).

Other gunners come in to play only if you don't want to spend olives on buying elites, or have concerns about playing them at lower level.