HA Infomation



  • Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 16. 2011 09:26

I was wondering if delaying the final classing of AA gunners so that they can retain some of their accuracy growth is a good idea.

ANy downsides?


  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 16. 2011 11:32

I delayed mine so they accumulated extra repair stats. Having extra accuracy is not necessarily a good thing as spraying of AA shells does help. However, on an H44 you have so many aa guns you don't really lose anything if you learn to train the guns accurately.

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 16. 2011 11:42

You want to blockshot aa? You know what to do.

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 16. 2011 12:35

Doesn't crew gain rate increase as you class them? so not classing them as AA might decrease their overall ability.

Class them normal. While you will have too much spray from lv 30~60. Once you BVE them and they are around lv 80 they will have the perfect amount of spread. Again, you don't want AA to be very accurate. Its better if they never hit the cap.

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 16. 2011 16:00

Spread is a user preference.
I went blockshot, and I regret for having classing them on time as first aa gunners.

Do you want to hit what you aim?
Do you rather prefer the random hit the planes?

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 16. 2011 21:09

Mine is classed late too and i did what rich advised me to do with my AA gunners. Having Blockshot AA really is an advantage, I can shoot down 4-6 planes with just one salvo especially against DB Planes so less time is consumed just by hitting Planes and more AA shells saved.
btw, mine is classed at lvl30, skipped classing at lvl 20.

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 17. 2011 21:27

I wish I didnt class my KM AA :(

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 17. 2011 22:23

with the uber speed of the 3.6" (i think that was the caliber or was it 4.6"?) the aiming is better to be spread since blockshotting wont help you reduce shots as you will kill the plane but have fired like 2 more salvoes thinking you wouldnt have got it. i vee seen some ships firing like 5 salvoes after the plane is dead XD dont know why but oh well they like to keep shooting and spamming the air.

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 17. 2011 23:22

Nope, you're reasoning is quite incorrect.
You don't want a spread in your AA wall, you want your target to die in 1 shot. Spread out AA can't reliably do that for many years now, you need multiple shell hits to kill a plane. Spread AA allows them to keep on flying cause they aren't even hit or just hit by 1 shell.

And that keep on firing after a plane is dead, is like due to the use of NF-fixer and some lag.

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 18. 2011 00:40

Honestly? Accuracy caps easily enough. If you class on time or class late, I'd be ready to bet at lvl 100 + they'll be exactly the same.

KM AA gunners dont suffer a massive rld nerf as IJN do. I classed mine on time, never had trouble with them acc wise. Its the reload that took a while to cap.

  • Re : Delay KM AA Gunners?

    07. 18. 2011 09:19

Originally Posted by aingeal
Honestly? Accuracy caps easily enough. If you class on time or class late, I'd be ready to bet at lvl 100 + they'll be exactly the same.

KM AA gunners dont suffer a massive rld nerf as IJN do. I classed mine on time, never had trouble with them acc wise. Its the reload that took a while to cap.

I use 11/11s for my KM AA gunners, and at 117 with 100+ vets and full experts the accuracy cap is still not met (I believe would have to look when I sign on later tonight). Particularly with KM I prefer a moderately tight grouping but with the amount of Tslots I like having some shells stray marginally. As for why people spam shells after the first hit, when a gun fires in less than .4 seconds holding the space bar until you hit a plane could utlimately lead to 3-4 more burst before they stop (partly due to lag). This really isn't due to fixer unless you are moving the turrets or changing the angles, otherwise holding the spacebar at a constant angle and direction is no different with fixer or without it.

I do love US AA with its tight grouping simply because of its max angle. It is extremely effective against bombers hitting them in the last second or two, and the tight group allows you to take the planes down in a salvo or 2 in those last seconds rather than with multiple hits. Anything with range I want some accuracy inconsistency. All personal oppion though.

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