HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 09. 2013 02:04


Essentially what's the pros and cons for the new Hood EBB. Is it worth 380 olives? What about the previous EBB for 300 olives, can't recall ever seeing any of them used. Is it better to just get olives and buy a Dunkerque instead?


  • Re : New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 09. 2013 07:00


Well i cant really recommend the Hood to you but its a ship that might get a upgrade soon.

On testserver it has -1turning compared to normal Hood and equal gunspace. It has +1 supportslot, so 5 on ship and 8 support slots. Its faster then the normal Hood and has a bit more DP. With normal Hood guns (15inch dual Ls) it goes something around 26/44-27/45, with Nelly trips it goes 25/42. the Vaillant (QE like EBB) seems to be a equal or even better choice. Much smaller hitbox equal gunspace but 1 less supportslot and i dont know about speed. 

  • Re : New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 09. 2013 12:32


Thanks for the answere Nlbor. Sounds like a good ship to train up some extra support with the extra slot and the lower required level, so i might still go for it

  • Re : New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 10. 2013 04:34


Just beware of it's size, the hitbox is a disadvantage that many players dislike about the hood.

  • Re : New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 11. 2013 04:57


Thank you  for the info.......I got the Hood in the event, I was working up a crew on that line anyway, but now I can use Nelson and the Hood.

  • Re : New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 12. 2013 14:44


I've been thinking about this some more. Am I still gonna use the e-hood after i hit lvl 89 and can use say the L1 with BB4 range. If not, then i could probably have more use for 380 olives than a ship that is only useful for 3 levels?

  • Re : New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 13. 2013 20:37


with the lvl 82 15 Ls and .2 belt and 40 bulge.. i made 45 on my EBB valiant. that was with 4 bve +12 engies so i think it would go faster with more engies

  • Re : New EBB vs old EBB or PBB

    01. 18. 2013 13:09


I wanted to get the next level up UK EBB. However having read the reviews and given my BO is now nearly 89, I will stick with my Valiant. It can use exactly the same guns and is harder to hit. I was hoping for something with a little more range.