HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 06:04



  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 06:08

5CV vs 3CV must be a great auto stack;can be fixed?

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 06:14

Actually autostacker does something like this when there is one strong CV and several weaker CVs.

For example if a room has a CV5 and 7 CV2 then autostacker will give the other team more CVs to compensate.

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 06:52

I'm just amused that the team with the five CV's lost...must have been some bad BB's. Of course, I'm sure the BB's blamed the CV's. >.>

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 08:00

Altsein is back and with more useless spam.

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 09:10

Old new is Old.

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 09:21

There should not be much of a surprise for the teams with 5 cvs losing. When the highest 1-2 cvs are placed on a team (and in this case several lower ones on the other team), the 3 is more than enough to maintain vision and actually usually have more freedom for other activities, bombing or FC (atleast this has been my experience).

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 10:16

In all the 5v3 CV matches I have seen, I have NEVER seen the 5 CV team win. Ever.

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 10:35

Originally Posted by Vawlkus
In all the 5v3 CV matches I have seen, I have NEVER seen the 5 CV team win. Ever.

Normally they dont and in most situations I would rather be on the team with less. Unfortunately just because people are in bigger ships however dosnt mean they are any good so the team with better CVs dose lose when they players are clueless.

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 18. 2011 11:07

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz
Originally Posted by Vawlkus
In all the 5v3 CV matches I have seen, I have NEVER seen the 5 CV team win. Ever.

Normally they dont and in most situations I would rather be on the team with less. Unfortunately just because people are in bigger ships however dosnt mean they are any good so the team with better CVs dose lose when they players are clueless.

Size and level do not dictate everything, and ultimately this will make auto balance virtually impossible. However the alternative of host being able to adjust (as in the past) proved to rarely be better (some intentional stacking, others people just not experienced enough to properly balance).

  • Re : Balance do you joke no?

    07. 20. 2011 01:42

Stop translating your posts through GoogleTranslate.

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