HA Infomation

Royal Navy


  • RN Event BBs

    03. 08. 2013 18:59


There have a new event to get EBB3

Valiant/Hood 1939, How difference between those? And which one better

My captain & gunners are Lv78


  • Re : RN Event BBs

    03. 08. 2013 19:40


Mouse over GAME INFO at the top of the screen and choose ship tree, select Royal Navy and scroll to the far right of the ship tree beneath. There, you can see all of the details for all of the RN event ships including the Valiant EBB3 and the Hood EBB4.


The Valiant is a Queen Elizabeth which can use any of the BB3 guns but is most commonly seen with the 16" triples from the Nelson for the firepower. It's level 78. It's an EBB3 which basically means its a very strong BB2. You could use it instead of an RN BB3 (The Hood, Nelson or PoW) but since those ships are mostly better aswell, you're more likely to replace them. But that's up to you, the firepower of the Valiant is very good though, better than any BB2 or BB3, the biggest problem with it is the spread of the 16" guns can be pretty bad without high level gunners.


The Hood 1939 is a Hood which uses the normal Hood guns, it's level 86. It's an EBB4, so its a strong BB3, you would use it as a ship to help level toward BB4 and similarly to the Valiant you could use it instead of the BB4s for a while, but since the BB4s have gun upgrades over the Hood 1939, I wouldn't recommend it.


I'm not sure about their speeds but the Hood is quite fast and I think the Valiant is about average. Like all EBBs they are slightly stronger than their base ships is almost every way by small amounts and they have an extra support slot to add some strength and to make them better for leveling with.


You should check the guide I wrote about all the event ships for the current event aswell.

  • Re : RN Event BBs

    03. 09. 2013 07:11

The valiant I know can load the KGV quad n's and still have room for a pretty fat crew. If the enemy can't see you, it can be absolutely devistating.

  • Re : RN Event BBs

    03. 13. 2013 11:17


The fastest Hood1939 I see in GB is running 45knt.

The fastest Valiant I see in GB is running 42knt with lvl98+ crew (i.e., 4-bar crew).

For my own experience, I used at-level crew (90~) for my Hood1939 and I can run 44knt. Due to recent accuracy patch, 15*2 MarkIIIL on Hood1939 gives a very comfortable spread.

The size of Hood1939 is kind of problem, for sure, but its compensation comes in a form of a turning force=21, whereas Valiant's turning force=17.

Generally I would suggest you to participate in all events in order to get both, since both of them are the best 2 EBBs in UK line.

However, if you are relatively new in NF, I would recommend you Valiant since its size is some sort of advantage among all UK BBs which means more chance of survival in GB.

If you are already good at NF and want some interesting and rewarding challenge, then choose Hood1939. Use wisely your sling shots, make full use of its advantange in speed and turning force, you'll find your Hood1939 is actually not that easy for your enemy to hit (1v1 of course...try not 1vN with Hood).


  • Re : RN Event BBs

    03. 29. 2013 05:24


I have the Hood 1939 EBB,its a great ship with a high lvl crew.