HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Help with dive bombing

    07. 19. 2011 18:09

How do I get my bombers to reliably drop bombs? I hit the . key and they rarely drop their bombs. Am i doing something wrong?


  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 19. 2011 18:12

Try this.

  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 19. 2011 20:31

are you using auto bombing or manual bombing?

if you are using auto just spam right click on targets..

if manual then.......
i'll tell you more if you are using it

  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 19. 2011 21:26

Originally Posted by Gundamx2
are you using auto bombing or manual bombing?

if you are using auto just spam right click on targets..

if manual then.......
i'll tell you more if you are using it

if you read the post you would notice hes using manual

  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 20. 2011 23:50

pressing ; to target ship . to drop bomb..

  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 21. 2011 03:29

You should have noticed already that NavyField is not the fastest responding game. For instance, if you turn your ship, it doesn't do it right away, but waits a few miliseconds before doing so. Similarly, the guns do not fire right when you press *spacebar*, but has a few miliseconds delay.

THEREFORE, to properly drop the bombs, you need to either (A)Spam the "." key OR (B)Hold the "." key before your bombers approach the manual target that you have set.


  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 21. 2011 03:30

Originally Posted by Eufonioum
You should have noticed already that NavyField is not the fastest responding game. For instance, if you turn your ship, it doesn't do it right away, but waits a few miliseconds before doing so. Similarly, the guns do not fire right when you press *spacebar*, but has a few miliseconds delay.

THEREFORE, to properly drop the bombs, you need to either (A)Spam the "." key OR (B)Hold the "." key before your bombers approach the manual target that you have set.


Ping at its greatest

  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 21. 2011 04:55

Originally Posted by Piombo
Originally Posted by Eufonioum
You should have noticed already that NavyField is not the fastest responding game. For instance, if you turn your ship, it doesn't do it right away, but waits a few miliseconds before doing so. Similarly, the guns do not fire right when you press *spacebar*, but has a few miliseconds delay.

THEREFORE, to properly drop the bombs, you need to either (A)Spam the "." key OR (B)Hold the "." key before your bombers approach the manual target that you have set.


Ping at its greatest

Well, record a video of yourself playing and changing directions without ANY delay :)

  • Re : Help with dive bombing

    07. 21. 2011 04:57

The manual DB system is really buggy, although it is quite satisfying, it is unreliable.

If the system works, hold the "." before your planes reach their target.