HA Infomation

Imperial Japanese Navy


  • how many vets super yamato gunner should have?

    05. 11. 2013 22:15


my friend told me just 200 vets and full experts is enough for SY and AMAGI

is that true?if not,how many vets can make the power of gunner maximum?



  • Re : how many vets super yamato gunner should have?

    05. 11. 2013 22:49


It depends on how much your willing to spend on them. Having more vets allows you to remove rookies and experts eventually  and save weight while still staying at/above the ACC/RLD caps. A pair of IJN 10/10 BVE(Boosted/100vets/Full experts) gunners will have capped both ACC/RLD by the time they are using the BB4 guns. Im not going to do the calculation's right now, but I think even 9/9BVE IJN gunners would reach both caps by BB4 :)

Having better bases, and/or more than 100 vets simply allows you to reach the caps a little quicker. Also allowing you to shave crew off and lighten up your gunners while staying above the caps

  • Re : how many vets super yamato gunner should have?

    05. 12. 2013 00:33


thx a lot man~

  • Re : how many vets super yamato gunner should have?

    05. 20. 2013 08:46


With 109 vets is enough but if not 119 or 120 vets is to play safe.