HA Infomation

Regia Marina


  • CV help!

    06. 23. 2013 13:23


I have the Bolzano CV, but I want to know what the optimal crew is, and what fighters and BD's I should use. I use the really short range fighters, because I can't use the biplanes. I have the Biplane DB planes, because I can only carry 6 of the other ones. I have 3 DB pilots, and 2 fighter pilots. Can I have advice?


  • Re : CV help!

    06. 23. 2013 14:36


My advice to go for 1 sort only or at least to conzentrate on 1 sort of planes.
So either aim for 8 fighter or TB pilots (for RM, torpedobombers are the weapon of choice since they have the 2nd strongest while RM dbs are 2nd weakest) Ortherwise go a more blanced setup with 6 fighters as main and 2 tbs to deal some damage if there is a opportunity. Another option (IMO) would be 6-7tbs as main + 1-2 fighters for getting rid of camping fighters or to defend yourself if someone wants to bomb you.
If you put your focus on fighters, maybe consider to add a seaman (best a elite fighter sailor or at least with +12in fighter). 

  • Re : CV help!

    06. 23. 2013 14:52


Thanks man. I use DB only because, if used correctly, RM DB's can be VERY powerful. I'm serious. Plus, they were free, and boosted, so they are very powerful. Thank you very much!

  • Re : CV help!

    06. 24. 2013 03:05

When did you tested them? Please mind that RM dbs got nerved by a lot in the aircraft-patch. Before that they had the 2nd highest damage for tbs and dbs. This was changed to 2nd highest tb damage and 2nd lowest db damage. Though if you got those dbs for free, its ok to use them. They are still fastest dbs with most fuel. Its just that you will need more dbs to kill something. (The damage changes only affect tier2 planes.

  • Re : CV help!

    06. 24. 2013 03:15


Originally Posted by NIborGER
When did you tested them? Please mind that RM dbs got nerved by a lot in the aircraft-patch. Before that they had the 2nd highest damage for tbs and dbs. This was changed to 2nd highest tb damage and 2nd lowest db damage. Though if you got those dbs for free, its ok to use them. They are still fastest dbs with most fuel. Its just that you will need more dbs to kill something. (The damage changes only affect tier2 planes.
I tested them both before and after. Because they are boosted, they did pack more of a punch before the patch, but I got them from someone who knew how to raise them and get the most out of them. For DB's in their 60's, and a lvl 40 something guy I raised myself, they just seem to do the same amount of damage as if it was before the patch, just not boosted. Plus, these are Biplanes. When do I get better one's???? The other kind takes, literally, a boat load of space. 7 or so bombers fills my plane up. HELP!